  • 學位論文


The study on the combination of multiple industry–academic cooperation in a technical university

指導教授 : 周文祥
共同指導教授 : 黃廷合


近年來,各先進國家都非常重視產學合作,認為企業與學校合作,可加強研發成果的應用,並帶動產業成長及提高國家競爭力。但如何透過良好的產學合作模式來提昇產業的競爭力成為當今重要的議題。 本研究以T科技大學與M公司的產學合作為例,透過國內外產學合作相關文獻的探討,檢視目前國內產學合作的模式;再以描述個案的研究方式,說明T科技大學產學合作的推動策略,以及如何依據M公司的發展及需求,提出改善建議,以及協助申請政府經費挹注。 透過深入的個案研究,本產學合作成功的模式,所建構之多元組合的產學合作方式,可作為教師與企業推動產學合作的參考。產學合作的方式非常多元,面對企業的需求都需要客製化的服務,因此建構多元組合產學合作的模式,是貼近廠商的需求,除了協助解決企業技術研發及人才培育等問題外,另外促進企業升級轉型以及提升競爭力,才是產學合作的核心價值。


技專校院 產學合作


In recent years, most advanced countries have attached great importance to the combination of multiple industry–academic cooperation in the technical university, industry–academic cooperation that companies can enhance the application of research results, and industry–academic cooperation that companies can enhance the application of research results, and to promote industrial growth and improve national competitiveness. But how technical university cooperation through good model to enhance the competitiveness of the industry become an important issue. In this study, the University of Technology Industry Cooperation T and M's, to explore domestic and international industry cooperation through the relevant literature, view the current pattern of domestic industry cooperation, another way to describe the study of cases, indicating T University academia promote policy cooperation and how to develop and M according to the company's needs, make recommendations for improvement, and apply for government funding to assist inject. Through in-depth case studies, the success of this industry-academia cooperation model, the industry-university cooperation of diverse portfolio construction, as teachers and business to promote industry-university collaboration reference. Way industry cooperation is very diverse, companies are required to face the needs of customized services, construct diversified portfolio of industry-academia cooperation model, is close to the manufacturer's requirements, in addition to help solve business technology research and development and personnel training and other issues, In addition to promote transformation and upgrading of enterprises to improve competitiveness is the core value of academia cooperation.


industry-university cooperation


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