  • 學位論文


The Legislation of Community Empowerment: from the Government’s Perspective

指導教授 : 宋立垚


自從行政院文化建設委員會於1994年10月3日提出「社區總體營造」理念以來,社區營造政策之推動並未隨著時間而有消減,反而持續被行政院列為國家發展重點計畫;2004年2月10日,行政院將「社區營造條例(草案)」送立法院審查,未來該條例(草案)若經審議通過,則我國社區營造之推動,將由「政策引導期」,邁向一個新的階段,「法治規範期」。   惟觀察該條例(草案)總說明,社區營造條例制定的兩大目的,為各級政府單位應做應為事項提供跨部門協作之標準程序,以及研擬較完備之社區自主營造與公民參與機制。對照條例(草案)內容,卻發現條例(草案)著重於民眾參與程序的規範,以及社區營造協定審議通過後之處理方式,少見對於政府應做應為事項的規範,遑論提供政府跨部門協作標準程序。   對於社區營造法制化,本研究從社群主義及公民社會理論探討,認為政府在對應於應重新理解為國家治理的新態度與新方法的社區營造中,應承擔起「強國家」的角色,並負有進行部門間的整合、建立操作程序、建立溝通平台、提供適當技術與經費支援、持續紀錄與公開資訊的責任,並建議將社區營造協定預審制度、社區營造協定執行計畫、建立基層公務人員的獎勵制度、賦予社區營造基金公益信託法源等,其相關概念應融入法制化的規範之中。   此外對於社區,建議重新理解為人們因共同生活所產生之認同感所凝聚或形塑而成的群體。並透過社區營造與各項基本人權的關係探討,嘗試建構社區營造權為新一代的基本人權。


社區營造 法制化


Since the Council of Culture Affairs first brought up the concept of “Community Empowerment” in Oct. 3, 1994, the promotion of “community empowerment” was not disregarded as time passed by, however, it remains as one of the most important national-development plans. In Feb. 10, 2004, Exsecutive Yuen submitted the draft of Community Empowerment Act to the Legislative Council. Once the Legislative Council passes the proposed act, the way of promoting community empowerment will be transferred from “policy-guided” to “law-regulated”.   To view the preface of the draft Act, the two main goals of the legislation are to offer the standard process for coordinating the cross-ministerial affairs which is obligated government to do and to develop a more complete institution of community self-empowerment and civil participation. Comparing between the preface and statement of the articles, the concern of the research is that the draft addresses mostly on regulating the procedure of civil participation and dealing with the arrangement of community agreements after established. There is no adequate request for government’s duty, no longer than the appropriate standard process of collaboration within different government departments.   To the legislation of community empowerment, this research discusses from the aspects of the Communitarianism and the theory of civil society. This research suggests that the government should take the responsibility as a “Great Nation” on the basis of redefining the innovating manner of nation management and methods of community empowerment. Government should be responsible for “collaborating different departments”, “establishing the operating process”, “constructing a communication platform”, and “offering appropriate skills and financial supports”, “keeping recording and opening the information”. Also, the research suggests the related regulations should involve the concepts of “preview of community agreement”, “community agreement implementing plan”, “the establishment of rewards system for civil service workers”, “legislative source of community funds and trusts” etc.   Besides, this research redefines that community should be as a whole, formed or shaped by the generated identity of a group of people in terms of their living together. Through discussing the relations between community empowerment and basic human rights, this research also tries to construct the right to participate in “community empowerment” as a new generation of human right.


Community Empowerment Legislation


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