  • 學位論文


A guiding system for drivers against emergency vehicles with GPS and intelligent traffic light control

指導教授 : 柯開維


「車禍意外駕駛傷重不治,家屬責怪救護車救援太遲」、「救護車被撞,賴姓女消防員截肢保命」、「計程車因為禮讓消防車,而被後方小客車追撞導致乘客一死一傷」等這些常見之交通不幸事故,常肇因於緊急救險車輛和道路上一般車輛相互間不當之避讓舉動,以致錯失救濟行動,甚至造成更嚴重意外之發生。 本論文結合資通訊與網路技術、在地型服務等概念,配合全球衛星定位系統(GPS)與地理資訊系統(GIS),設計一套路口號誌燈輔助機制,預先告知用路人在其附近範圍內的各種緊急或救險車輛(救護車、消防車)的接近以引導車輛之避讓,讓救險車能安全快速到達目的完成使命。系統運作方式為:各救險車輛會定時將所在位置經緯度座標,透過無線通訊傳送至伺服端,伺服端再由救難車之移動位置判斷其行進方向,計算出適當距離內該被通知的相關路口號誌子系統(包含號誌燈及/或電子看板),控制使其顯示救險車即將接近之資訊並做交通燈號調控(例如亮紅燈),以提醒行駛於附近路段的駕駛人做適當避讓。


Emergency vehicles (such as fire truck, police car, and ambulance) should receive a high priority of road access when they are on duty. Unfortunately, many emergency car accidents involved in that regular vehicles’ drivers have no idea about how to avoid from blocking on their way to rescue or yield the right of the road properly. The objective of this thesis is to develop an active early-detection avoiding and guiding system for drivers, utilizing the technologies of GPS positioning and GIS information, and the idea of LBS (location based service). The operation of the system is as follows: Each emergency vehicle periodically reports its location (i.e., the longitude and latitude) obtained from GPS positioning to a server, then the server calculate its moving direction and the coverage of intersections within a predefined distance from the current location of the vehicle and notify those traffic control subsystems on covered intersections. Those control subsystems are expected to manage the traffic light properly (e.g., turn to red light) and/or provide obvious information to show the approaching of the emergency vehicle. Doing this way, drivers on the relevant roads can take an appropriate action to yield the right of the road or pull the car over to the side of the road and stopped.


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