  • 學位論文


Characteristics of PM10 Emission from Exposed Area with Seeding Assessment

指導教授 : 章裕民


在未風化前的裸露地(營建、農地及砂石場等)因風吹揚起作用,極易造成空氣中懸浮微粒的增加,故本研究探討裸露地之 PM10 排放特性,並加以利用植生綠化防塵之措施,抑制裸露地產生逸散性粒狀污染物。本研究為探討裸露地之 PM10排放特性,利用整體質量平衡法 (OMB) 概念,針對 13 處樣本裸露地共完成 60 點次之PM10實場量測,在氣溫 292.3~308.5K 、風速 0.5~3.6 m/s 及溼度 35~78 (RH,%) 等氣候條件影響下,裸露地 PM10 平均排放係數為 40 g/m2/月,地表坋土含量在 18%~32% 之間時,坋土含量增加一倍,排放量則約增加 1.8 倍,且隨風速增加,如本研究平均風速由 1 m/s 增加至 3 m/s 時,該裸露地 PM10 排放量約增加 80% ,另地表含水率由 2.0% 增加至 4.0% 時,則約可降低 42% 的 PM10 排放量。 在上述之氣候及草株平均高度 15.3 cm 等條件下,當植被率增加時對 PM10 的防治效率亦會增加,如以本研究平均植被率為 51.4% 時,該裸露地藉由植被降低粒子揚起風速、增加表土濕度及草株滯塵等作用,其 PM10 平均總防治效率可達 47.5% 。另植被成本以每公頃植被面積計算所需費用約為 5.28 元/m2,若以歐盟制定的 CO2 排放交易模式計算植生削減 CO2 量之效益,每五公頃之裸露地植生綠化,可節省 CO2 排放交易稅約 31,200 元/年。


裸露地 PM10 植生


Because of the dusting effect from the exposed area increasing particles in the air, this research aimed at the characteristics of PM10 emission and used the measure of seeding to prevent the particle pollution in the air from the exposed area. For the discussion of the characteristics of PM10 emission, this research utilized the concept of law of Overall Mass Balance (OMB) and measured factors of PM10 emission in the thirteen sampling exposed areas to the extent of 292.3~308.5K temperature, wind velocity 0.5~3.6m/s and humidity 35~78%. The results showed that the average amount of PM10 emission was 40 g/m2/month, the emission increased 1.8 times when the silt content of topsoil doubled, the emission increased 80% when the average wind velocity increased from 1 m/s to 3 m/s, the emission reduced 42% when the topsoil moisture content increased from 2.0% to 4.0%, and the prevention efficiency of emission was 47.5% when the vegetation ratio of seeding reached 51.4%.


Exposed Area PM10 Seeding


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