  • 學位論文


Chain Restaurant Industry Innovative Business Model -A Case Study of H Company

指導教授 : 耿慶瑞 蔡瑤昇


台灣餐飲市場進入門檻低且競爭激烈,也由於這樣的現況發展,市場幾乎呈現飽和狀態,所以現有的餐飲業者大多以連鎖加盟方式為導向,而近幾年來連鎖餐飲業者又以上市櫃、同業與異業整合及完整連鎖流程標準化來做為快速展店籌措資金、品牌經營、標準作業流程、人員培育與提升產品競爭力的創新商業模式。 本研究主要以獲利世代Osterwalder and Pigneur (2012)九要素(1)目標客層(2)價值主張(3)通路(4)顧客關係(5)收益流(6)關鍵資源(7)關鍵活動(8)關鍵合作夥伴(9)成本結構等九要素為主要研究方法.並藉由探討H個案公司之創新商業模式,瞭解並創造顧客尚未被滿足的部分,有效提高顧客價值主張,達到產業的創新。並在競爭激烈的餐飲產業,發現連鎖餐飲業其與眾不同的關鍵資源,關鍵活動與關鍵伙伴結合創造出的收益流。在現有的商業模式中,塑造連鎖餐飲業的價值。 在歸納出成功的連鎖餐飲創新模式,並找到目標客群的需求,做出產品與服務的差異化,然後形成市場區隔,建構出獨特能力的創新商業模式。以期能作為欲投入連鎖餐廳之創業者及業界管理與發展之參考、並提供產業商業模式創新思維,及創新實用並具理想性、市場性之研究。


In Taiwan, the food and beverage (F&B) service is nearly on a saturated status since the market is competitive and the threshold for joining is lower. Accordingly, the existing industries mostly franchise chain stores. For the past few years, the chain restaurant industry is with a view to quickly raising capital,managing brand, standardizing operation procedure, training staff and improving product competitiveness, it is a new business model especially for the publicly listed companies, the whole industries integration and the completely chains process standardization. The theoretical methods that are mainly used include business model generation (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2012) the nine key points: (1) customer segment (2) value proposition (3) channels (4) customer relationships (5) revenue streams (6) key resources (7) key activities (8) key partners (9) cost structure to discover customers unsatisfied and effectively improve value proposition via a business model case study of company H. In the highly competitive industry, it increases revenue due to discovering the difference of key recourses, key activities, and key partners and sets up the band value of franchise restaurants in the presenting business model. The chain restaurants innovative business model is generalized successfully and finds the demand of target customer then the difference between product and service make its market segmentation. The study is looked forward to help enterprisers and industries for reference and offer a using research with ideality and marketability in the chain restaurant industry field.


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