  • 學位論文


The Environmental and Economic Co-Benefit of Air Pollution and GHG Reduction in The Environmental Impact Assessment

指導教授 : 曾昭衡


為減少開發案排放之空氣污染物造成空氣品質造成惡化,於開發單位執行環境影響評估所提出空氣污染物抵減計畫,期望以污染減量技術減少污染物排放,降低對環境之影響。本研究以空氣資源整合效益模型,估算環境影響評估案所提之空氣污染物抵減及溫室氣體減量效益,與空氣污染排放增量對民眾健康影響及對環境空氣品質惡化之整體社會經濟效益,兩者進行效益評估,並可作為環境影響評估案件之效益評估工具及量化指摽。 藉由本模型評估案例1:中龍鋼鐵股份有限公司第二期第二階擴建計畫,以及案例2:台灣電力公司大林電廠更新改建計畫等兩案例之空氣污染物抵減及溫室氣體減量效益分析,其中,案例1中龍鋼鐵股份有限公司第二期第二階擴建計畫,評估開發案所排放之空氣污染物對下風處民眾之健康效益,並提出在都會區人口密集處執行移動污染源空氣污染減量計畫,以達到同等之減量效益。案例2台灣電力公司大林電廠更新改建計畫,評估其空氣污染物及溫室氣體減量效益,並以兩個案例評估可行之空氣污染NOx及NMHC抵減方式並以效益作指標,以供產業及政府的決策者在評估各方案之效益時,可同時兼顧經濟、環保、生態及社會等層面。 評估結果顯示,中龍鋼鐵股份有限公司第二期第二階擴建計畫之空氣污染抵減計畫之整體效益達2,421,803,177元及台灣電力公司大林電廠更新改建計畫空氣污染抵減計畫之整體效益達4,208,893,312元。本研究另規劃於台中市區人口密集區域,投入經費1,496,000,000元執行移動污染源減量NOx為132.04公噸及VOC為12.6公噸, 則其產生之健康效益27,186元亦與中龍鋼鐵擴建排放之健康損失相當。


There are some important industrial development cases in Taiwan Recently. The developmental cases cause the air poulltion emission, which could affect human health and the environment. In the case study, an air source co-benefit model was established to assess social cost-benefit of air poulltion and GHG reduction plan by EIA. The social cost-benefit includes the influence of the human health and air quality. In this article, one of the study cases is focused on the environmental impact assessment of the Dragon Steel Corporation extension plan. The second study case is focused on the environmental impact assessment of Taiwan Power Company Talin Thermal Power Plane extension plan. The result of case one shows that air pollution and GHG reduction obtains2,421,803,177 NT dollars of overall social cost-benefit. The second case shows that the reduction obtains4,208,893,312 NT dollars of overall social cost-benefit. The air pollution reduction program is localed in the city area, which could get more human health cost-benefit. The reduction program spent 1,496,000,000 NT dollars in mobile sources of pollution. The result shows that the goal of reduction program can be achieved.


[1] 行政院環境保護署,中華民國環境保護統計年報, 2009。
[2] 行政院環境保護署,中華民國98年台灣地區空氣污染防制總檢討,2009。
[3] 行政院環境保護署,98年環境白皮書,2009。
[4] 行政院環境保護署,中華民國第二版國家通訊,2010。
[5] 行政院環境保護署,國家環境保護計畫,2005。


