  • 學位論文


A Study on Web-based Engineering InformationManagement System in Practice - a Case Study of Taipei MRT System

指導教授 : 林祐正


台北捷運興建工程多年來利用資訊化作業來提升工程管理效能,近來更以區段標為主要採購招商策略方式,由於標案涵蓋土木建築、水電環控及機電系統..等施工性質,在工程履約階段中,捷運監造工務所(簡稱業主端)與所有標案施作廠商(包含主包商及各專業分包商),共同應用臺北捷運工程局自行開發工務暨契約執行系統(The Project Management System For Taipei Rapid Transit, PM System),以即時瞭解工地現況及標案履約情形。 本研究實地至業主端及廠商端訪談第一線系統使用者,以瞭解、彙集PM系統使用端所遇問題,並以彼此間密切互通資訊作業之監造日報/施工日誌、監造月報、估驗計價及標案契約變更等系統模組項目,探就實際PM系統操作、效率、流程、介面設計、時間性、重覆性、穩定度、可用性及是否改版加強等作為訪談方向。並由訪談內容得知亟需正視解決問題:如契約變更項目,系統若能比照工程會PCCES系統滙入方式,可減少使用者新建變更資料耗費之時間;在估驗計價部分,以系統線上簽核之推動並不能完全取代紙本陳核作業,目前雙軌2次流程重覆應再簡化;新標案廠商端使用者對於系統熟悉度尚待加強..等等。本研究依訪談遭遇問題分析並提出改善建議,期能在臺北捷運工程局工務管理系統作業使監造單位與其捷運團隊更精進及充分提升系統執行效率。


For improving the project management efficiency, Taipei MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) projects applied various information technologies in these years. The content of Taipei MRT construction project includes civil construction, environmental control construction, electrical and mechanical systems. In order to control and manage all Taipei MRT projects, the project management system for MRT was developed and used for project management over the ten years. In order to improve the performance of project management system for MRT applied in the MRT projects (PM system), the study identifies the facing problems and usage difficulties for users of PM system. Based on the interview with users of PM system, the facing problems and usage difficulties are collected and analyzed to enhance the performance of PM system used in the construction sites. These facing problems and usage difficulties include daily supervision, construction report, monthly supervision, estimates and tenders inspection contract pricing changes. Finally, limitations, difficulties, suggestion are summarized for further application in practice.


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