  • 學位論文


A Study Through a Mathematical Model to analyze Vehicles Accident at Non-Signalized Intersections

指導教授 : 陳澤明教授


在各種道路型態中,平面道路交岔路口為發生交通事故最頻繁地點,而就交岔路發生事故統計件數及肇事嚴重程度顯示「無號誌交岔路口同為直行且為左右方車」發生事故之比率甚高,超過直路或其他路型。交通事故發生後當事人對於事故發生過程及駕駛行為常各執一詞,其中以未劃分幹、支道之無號誌交岔路口肇因歸屬最具爭議性,因此「肇事鑑定」為當事人尋求釐清肇責及獲得補償的方法之ㄧ。各地區「行車事故鑑定委員會」對於上述肇事案件作肇事原因鑑定時,係依道路交通安全規則第102條第1項第2款規定(同為幹、支道,左方車應讓右方車先行),作為法源依據;右方車駕駛如無超速或酒醉駕車則肇責幾全歸屬左方車,然僅依右方車有絕對路權之觀念即研判左方車應負肇事責任是否公平?如能透過數學模式進行分析研究,以學理的觀點探討此絕對路權之觀念,再推斷出肇事者及其該負之責任,則可減少爭議。 本研究係以數學模式針對行駛平面道路無號誌交岔路口左右方直行且駕駛者無酒駕等其他行為,發生碰撞之肇事案例(包含汽車與汽車、汽車與機車等)為研究主題,推析以駕駛人自稱之車速在碰撞時有無足夠可反應之時間煞停或是能安全通過路口而不會發生碰撞,藉以合理分析研判左右方車駕駛人應負之肇事責任 ,分析數據可輔助鑑定委員研判案情,減少人為主觀因素盲點,以提升鑑定品質。


In the specification of different types of road, the frequency of traffic accident happening in the at-grade intersection area is higher than others section. According to statistic articles of the traffic incidents and events injured extent indicated that the vehicles pass through a non-signal lighting intersection area and the straight line vehicles driving from both sides (left & right side) have a high incidence exceeding then straight roads or other types of intersections. But when a traffic accident occur, the parties litigant usually dispute about the process and the responsibility burden, However, the most dispute is that accidents occur at an arterial or access road of non-signal intersections. “The Appraisal of Traffic Accident” is one of the ways to distinguish the responsibilities and compensations. At present, regarding the case of verification as above, the departments of “Traffic Accident Appraisal Committee” in Taiwan is based on The Clause 2, Item 1, Article 102 of Traffic Safety Rule in accordance with justice ( At the same arterial or branch roads, the left-side vehicle’s driver should be yielded the right-side vehicle’s driver go first). Generally speaking, there were disputes from both parties when an accident happened, all of responsibilities pointed out the left-side vehicle’s driver if right-side vehicles were not under over speed or drunk driving. Nevertheless, is the priority of pass the cross road only for right-side vehicles equitable? If making the most of a Mathematical Model analyzes and researches the theory viewpoint to treat an absolute priority of pass the cross road, and make a fair trial take the accident responsibility, then it can abate the arguments of all parties indeed. This dissertation through the Mathematical Model being a research topic is aimed on the At-grade, no-signal intersection, straight driving from left & right sides vehicles and the driver of non-alcohol behavior passing through. The forejudging of collision incidents ( including vehicles to vehicles and vehicles to motorcycles) is the vehicle speed from the driver’s providing if there is enough reactive time for breaking or pass through the cross road before impact. Legitimately to verify the both side drivers who should take the responsibility in the traffic accident and provide the analysis data of incident cases to supplying the evidence information to the “Traffic Accident Appraisal Committee” that could reduce the artificial & subjective influences, promote the quality of appraisal reports.


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