  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Work Adjustment and Paternalistic Leadership on Service Quality and Employee Performance

指導教授 : 林鳳儀


各銀行業者面對全球景氣衰退的衝擊與挑戰,紛紛致力於提升客戶服務,以符合客戶需求,並達到提高營運績效之目的。本研究旨在探討銀行部門之員工工作適應程度、主管領導及服務品質指標對銀行員工績效之影響,本研究參考Heskett et al.(1994)所發展之服務利潤鏈,透過問卷調查、迴歸分析及階層線性模型來分析工作適應程度、主管領導對銀行部門績效相關性,並檢驗員工忠誠度、服務品質之中介效果,以暸解員工對於工作與環境之感受對其服務品質與銀行員工績效之影響,並提供銀行業者提升經營績效策略實務上有所助益的寶貴發現。本研究之結果發現,(1)員工適應程度與領導效能皆會影響其服務品質,且員工忠誠度具有完全中介的效果;(2)員工忠誠度會影響顧客滿意度,且服務品質具有部分中介的效果;(3)員工服務品質會對顧客忠誠度有顯著的影響,且顧客滿意度具有部分中介的效果;(4)組織氣候對於工作適應程度與員工忠誠度間、主管領導式與服務品質間、工作適應程度與服務品質間之關聯性具有調節效果。


In order to fit the needs of customers and increase their performance, banks put more effort on service quality improvement when they faced the challenge of the economic recession in global. This study focuses on the effect of employee’s work adjustment and managers’ paternalistic leadership on the performance of employees in bank industry by using Service-Profit Chain which is developed by Heskett et al.(1994). This study analyzes the mediating effect of employee’s loyalty, service quality and customer’s satisfaction in Service-Profit Chain to understand how the employees’ feeling and surrounding environment affect the service quality and performance. The results can assist banks to improve and increase their performance, operating efficiency and strategy. We find that, first, the employee’s work adjustment and managers’ leadership can affect employee’s service quality and the employee’s loyalty has mediating effect between work adjustment, leadership and service quality. Second, employee’s loyalty can affect the customer’s satisfaction, and the service quality has mediating effect on the relationship between employee’s loyalty and customer’s satisfaction. Third, there significant relationship between employee’s service quality and customer’s loyalty, and the customer’s satisfaction has mediating effect on the relationship between them. Finally, the service climate of divisions has moderating effect on the relationship between employee’s work adjustment and loyalty, director’s leadership and service quality, and employee’s work adjustment and service quality.


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