  • 學位論文

服飾店消費者情緒對消費者滿意度與 消費者購買行為影響之研究

An Investigation of the Consumer Mood to Consumer Satisfactioin and Behavior in Clothing Store

指導教授 : 廖森貴


由於「情緒消費時代」的來臨,各產業都以滿足消費者心靈與「情感」的需求作為首要任務。消費者情緒對消費者滿意度有正面的影響,也掌握了最後購買行為產生的可能性。影響消費者情緒的原因有許多。近年來,零售業多討論在「商店氣氛」的注重,而商店氣氛就是賣場中的所有物理環境,適當的氣氛營造則能使消費者產生特定心情反應,進一步影響消費者的購買行為 。現代社會的消費行為,已不能單從物品的實用價值、經濟成本來衡量。現場的環境佈置、挑選物品的時間、在場人士的互動,以至個人的情緒狀態,統統都會影響購物意欲。 本研究選擇服飾A品牌的旗艦店之消費者作為研究對象。此經前測及資料信度與效度的檢驗後對其發放問卷,回收540份有效問卷,再以線性結構方程式(LISREL)進行資料的實證分析。研究結果顯示: 商店氣氛影響下的消費者情緒、消費者滿意度及消費者購買行為,等各構面間呈現顯著正相關,當消費者情緒好時,滿意度會有正相關。而顧客感受到滿意程度愈高時,會願意表現顧客購買行為。在音樂方面,不同音樂的受測環境,爵士樂高於R&B和古典樂。在氣味方面,佛手柑顯著高於檸檬草和橙花。在燈光方面,暖色系顯著高於冷光系。從以上研究結果可得知, A品牌的顧客偏好在有佛手柑氣味、爵士樂及暖色系燈光照明的商店氣氛下購物,藉由情緒的提升,進而影響到滿意度及購買行為。


Facing the time of experience economy, industries of retailing are conscious of store atmospherics. All physical surrounding in a store is store atmosphere and befitting store atmospherics will bring some particular react on customers’ mentality and make the purchase at the end. For this reason, some dealers in retailing try to use store music, store scent and store lighting to increase the probability of buying. This research chooses purposive sampling in Brand A Flagship Shop to conduct the survey. First, the measurement model was validated. The strucytural equations were then tested for significance. Questionnaires from 540 respondents were returned to test the model.LISREL (LInear Structural RELation) was used to test the model with the questionnaire. The results revealed that certain relationships between the structures do appear to respond each other and can affect consuming emotion, also consuming emotion affect satisfaction and buying behavior. After the research, we found Brand A customers prefer to shop when the store atmosphere is with warm lighting, bergamont scent and Jazz music.


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