  • 學位論文


Pet attachment and Technology Acceptance Model influence on using the Mobile Surveillance product

指導教授 : 吳可久




We try to analyze the possible impacted factors between pet owners and the technology products of mobile surveillance, and provide the recommendations in the theory of Technology Acceptance Model(TAM). In the same time, we gave the suggestions for pet technology industry in the future, not only consider the user experience, but also use the impacted factors as a reference when research and development. In this study, the average age of the pet owners are 18 to 70, the number of pets are 1 to 10, and the sample size are 101 purposive sampling. After the user experiments and statistical analysis, the results are the "subjective norms", "perception" and "purposiveness" factors have significant influence in mobile surveillance by pets; the "education", "smartphone", "age", "experience of pets", "feeding times of pets", "acquisition method of pet" factors have significant influence demographic factors of mobile surveillance by pets.


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