  • 學位論文


A Study of Teaching Effectiveness and Learning Satisfaction by the Teacher Apply Mobile Devices of the Junior High Schools in Taipei Area

指導教授 : 林淑珍 教授


本研究旨在了解臺北地區國中學生對教師運用行動載具教學效能與學習滿意度之差異情形,藉由研究者自編之「臺北地區國中學生對教師運用行動載具教學效能與學習滿意度調查問卷」進行調查,採用以班級為單位分層隨機抽樣,共發出875份問卷,獲取有效問卷730份,有效回收率為83.4%,透過描述性統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析,獲致以下研究結論: 一、臺北地區國中學生對教師運用行動載具教學效能之整體及各層面有中等以上之良好感受,以「師生互動與溝通」為最佳,其餘依序為「教材準備與呈現」、「教學評量與評鑑」、「教學計畫與設計」。 二、臺北地區國中學生對教師運用行動載具教學效能整體學習滿意度為中等程度以上之傾向,以「教師教學」屬中上程度之傾向為最佳,其餘依序為「學習成果」、「人際關係」。 三、臺北地區國中學生使用行動載具之學習科目「社會」對於教師運用行動載具教學效能顯著高於「健體」、「綜合」、「國文」等科目;「數學」也顯著高於「國文」。 四、臺北地區國中學生對教師運用行動載具教學效能與滿意度,在整體及各層面皆以「高度良好行動載具教學效能傾向」為最佳,其餘依序為「中度良好行動載具教學效能傾向」、「低度良好行動載具教學效能傾向」。


A Study of Teaching Effectiveness and Learning Satisfaction by the Teacher Apply Mobile Devices of the Junior High Schools in Taipei Area. Based on purposive sampling, this study make use of “Questionnaire of teaching effectiveness and learning satisfaction through applying mobile devices with the junior high school students’ perceptions in Taipei area” to conduct the survey. 875 copies of questionnaire were sent, and 730 copies were valid. The valid rate was 86.8%. After carrying out the descriptive statistics, one-sample t test, independent-sample t test, and One-way ANOVA, the research conclusions were shown as follows : 1. The teaching effectiveness through applying mobile devices with the junior high school students’ perceptions in Taipei area was on an intermediate-to-high level for overall and individual aspect. “The interaction and communication between teachers and students” was at the highest level. The others were “Teaching assessment and evaluation” and “Teaching plan and design”. “Teachers’ Teaching”, and “Interpersonal relationship”. 2. The learning satisfaction through applying mobile devices with the junior high school students’ perceptions in Taipei area was on an intermediate-to-high level for overall and individual aspect. “Teachers’ teaching” was at the highest level, the others were “Academic achievement” and “Interpersonal relationship”. 3. For the junior high school students in Taipei area, the teaching effectiveness through applying mobile devices on the subject of “Social studies” was significant better than the subjects of “health and PE”, “Integrated activity learning area”, and “Chinese”. “Math” was significant better than the subject of “Chinese”. 4. For the junior high school students in Taipei area, the teaching effectiveness and learning satisfaction through applying mobile devices with excellent teaching effectiveness was at the highest level. The teaching effectiveness and learning satisfaction through applying mobile devices with middle teaching effectiveness was at the second level, and the teaching effectiveness and learning satisfaction through applying mobile devices with low teaching effectiveness was at the lowest level.


