  • 學位論文


Building Energy Conservation Perspective to Explore the Improvement of Space Environment-The Case of Sanchong Library in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 宋立垚


隨著全世界經濟的蓬勃發展,對能源的消耗對更加快速。全球能源短缺的問題日益嚴重,國內能源的消耗量卻不斷增加。根據聯合國環境規劃署UNEP的估計,建築物是最大的能源消耗者,其所消耗的能源和釋放的溫室氣體占全世界能源總消耗量的40%左右,使政府近年來積極提倡節能政策以因應能源短缺之問題 臺灣每年所消耗的能源有高達98%的能源需依賴進口,是個能源極度短缺的國家,加上各項能源開發與電力建設都面臨極大困難,因此「節約能源」已經是人人都無法逃避的宿命與責任,而節約能源不是強制減少使用能源,降低生活品質,正確的節約能源觀念應該是有效率的使用能源,也就是「該用則用、能省則省」。 故為提高公共與私人之既有建築進行節能改善之意願,本研究試圖從眾多公共建築物的類型之中,找出一般民眾經常使用的建築類型,做為節能改善之示範。本研究以新北市立圖書館三重分館為研究對象,研究目的是提供三重分館節能改善之具體策略。研究方法採文獻法、實證調查法及訪談法。研究內容發現三重分館在落實節能上遇到的主要問題來自於四個面向:一、建築外殼;二、空間環境;三、耗能系統;四、永續發展。針對上述主要問題,研究結論提出改善策略,提供館方及相關單位未來節能改善之參考。


節能 公共圖書館 空間環境


The world economy rapid development has take impact on the increasing of the energy consumption rate. Global energy shortage problem has become more serious while domestic energy consumption has been continuously increased. According to estimates of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), buildings are the largest energy consumers and take the biggest part for greenhouse effect, their energy consumption accounts for about 40% of the world's total energy consumption, that makes Government actively promotes energy conservation policies in recent years to cope with the energy shortage problem. 98% of Taiwan's required energy consumption each year has rely on imports, make Taiwan become the extreme energy shortage countries, coupled with the energy development and power plant building are facing great difficulties, so it's a fate that everyone cannot escape from the saving energy responsibility, conserve the energy is not using the forced way to reduce it by reducing the quality of life, but by applying the right energy saving concepts which is understand of the energy using efficiency, (using appropriately and saving appropriately). Therefore, in order to improve the energy saving for public and private of existing buildings, this study attempts from among the many types of public buildings find out the building construction type commonly used by the public as a demonstration of energy saving improvements. In this study the researcher took the Sanchong branch of New Taipei City Library as the object research. the research goal is to provide specific strategies to improve the energy saving on Sanchong district. The research methodology are literature review, empirical investigation and interview. Research content explain the main problem which is faced by the Sanchong branch in their energy saving implementation, those are: 1. Building facade orientation, 2. Spatial environment orientation, 3. Energy consumption systems orientation, 4. Sustainable development orientation. In order to response to these major problems, the researcher make the conclusions of the following improvement strategy, provide the energy saving improvement for the future reference. In response to these major issues, the conclusions put forward improvement strategy to provide reference for future energy efficiency improvement library and related units.


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