  • 學位論文


Research and Development of a Portable Wheelchair

指導教授 : 徐正會 賴明鈞


根據本研究所收集之各國文獻,專利公報及市售之輪椅型錄顯示,目前絕大多數的輪椅皆僅止於左右摺疊,故收摺之後所佔的體積仍是非常龐大,如此將造成搬運、載送上的困難,且施力不易,攜帶相當不方便,對於必須經常外出而行動不便者,造成非常大的負擔。目前市面上亦有兩三種可收摺成手提箱大小的攜帶式輪椅,稱為組合式輪椅,但其最大的缺點是組裝程序複雜且費時,在每ㄧ次的展開與收摺過程中,必須經過相當繁瑣的步驟,對於使用時間短而使用次數多的患者而言,是ㄧ個非常困擾的問題。由於自推型輪椅手輪圈大小之限制,故較不利於輪椅收摺體積的縮小,但看護型輪椅則無手輪圈尺寸方面之困擾,因此對於縮小收摺體積來說,最具發展之潛力。 本研究利用機構合成之方法,經過設計需求的設立,找出最合適之瓦特Ⅰ型六連桿機構,並藉由Pro/Engineer Wildfire2.0電腦輔助設計軟體,進行輪椅收摺機構之尺寸合成,建立其3D Model,再利用COSMOS Design Star4.5之模擬軟體進行應力、應變及位移之分析,以確定所設計輪椅之強度,再應用Pro/Assembly模組中Mechanism指令之模擬功能,對所設計之攜帶式輪椅進行動態模擬,確認輪椅於收摺過程中無干涉情形發生,最後則進行實體模型之製作,使創新設計之攜帶式輪椅得到驗證,故本研究所設計之攜帶式輪椅是單一自由度收摺,且無分離之零件,不需使用任何拆卸工具即可達到收摺體積小、重量輕、操作簡便、可如行李箱拖行及站立收藏等特性,適用於下肢癱瘓、年長及行動不便者,是理想的代步工具。


Based on the worldwide articles referring to folding wheelchair, related patens published and kinds of wheelchairs on-shelf in the market, most of wheelchairs can only act frontally. However, the volume after frontal-folded is still space-occupied. It is not only difficult to transfer, but also inconvenient to carry with. For those users who need the wheelchair to go out very often, this kind of wheelchair causes the user more burdens instead. Nowadays there are few kinds of wheelchair called component wheelchair which can be folded as the size of suitcase, but the disadvantage of it is the complicate assembling process, in other words, it requires minute and complicate steps to complete the act of fold and un-fold. For the users who usually need the wheelchair for only short distance but many times, it is very troublesome. Due to the constraint of those wheelchairs with large wheels, it is hard to fold it very small. On the opposite, the wheelchair without this limitation has its developmental potentials to be an efficient and flexible. This thesis adopts mechanism synthesize to establish its design concept with also considering of constrain. In addition, via computer aid Pro/Engineer Wildfire 2.0 to proceed with dimension synthesize, to build up its 3D model, and implement COSMOS Design Star4.5 to analyze stress, strain and displacement, so as to confirm the strength of the wheelchair. Meanwhile, the simulate function of Pro/Mechanism is also used to process the simulation so as to ensure no interferes are involved or occurred. Last but not least, the physical mock up of the wheelchair is to testify this new design of folded wheelchair. So the portable wheelchair is folded up by the single degree of freedom, and there is no part separated, no tool needed to reach folded small size, lightweight, easy to use, drag like a suitcase, and standing collection. It is the ideal tool to ride instead of walk and very suitable for aged and paralyzed people or people who has problem to walk by themselves.


[10] Robert L. Norton, "DESIGN OF MACHINERY-3rd ed.," 2004, P50-51.
[11] Patrick Y. Williams, "FOLDING FRAMEWORKS AND WHEEL-CHAIRS," U.S. Patent 4,323,133, 1982.
[28] Robert L. Norton, "DESIGN OF MACHINERY-3rd ed.," 2004, P47-49.
[29] 勞工安全衛生研究所,人體計測資料庫http://www.iosh.gov.tw/ergo.htm,
[33] Philip E. Ingerson, "FOLDABLE WHEELCHAIR AND KIT THEREFOR," U.S. Patent 3,887,228, 1975.



