  • 學位論文


Energy Conservation Research of Cooling Pump Based on Variable Frequency

指導教授 : 張永宗


隨著人類工商科技快速發展,能源的使用,雖帶給人類經濟進步,確也衍生了地球環境暖化問題,全球暖化對人類文明會造成問題,導致威力強大的暴風雨和旱災、冰河融化、海平線上升、氣候模式驟變以及傳染病散播等危機,危及人類及動物的生存。所以尋找替代能源、再生能源以及節約能源等政策都是解決全球暖化的方法,目前替代能源、再生能源都在發展階段,所以從節約能源方面著手,即可立竿見影。若要執行節約能源之目的,從空調系統著手將是最快速也最具成效的方式。 本文研究是採用某學校圖書館空調設備實際量測之數據,將冷卻水泵浦耗能建立成線性迴歸方程式,加以探討水泵在相同的負載基準下,使用變頻與非變頻時耗能差異,做比較分析。計算出冷卻水泵使用變頻器時與非變頻比較可節省約20%的功率。此結果可以讓設備維護人員瞭解自己所負責之設備之實際節能成效,以達到節能的目的,為減緩全球暖化盡一份心意,而本研究所運用之線性迴歸分析方式是一種節能驗證方法,可以提供未來台灣進行ESCO(Energy Service Company) 能源服務業節能方法中重要之分析驗證工具,值得未來大幅推廣應用。


ESCO 變頻器 冷卻水泵浦 空調系統 節能


Globally speaking, the fast development of industries and technologies has brought us economic progress as well as global warming. Global warming brings about many potential problems, such as stronger storms, severer droughts, melting glaciers, rise in sea levels, sudden climate change, and the spread disease. These things can threaten the lives of humans and animals. Potential solutions include alternative energy, recyclable energy, and the conservation of energy. At present, alternative energy and recyclable energy have not reached maturity; therefore, the best approach would be energy conservation; and to reach the goal of energy conservation, air conditioning systems would be the best choice. In this paper, linear regression equations are established according to the energy consumption of the cooling water pumps in the air conditioning system of a school library so as to assess the energy conservation rate if a frequency inverter is used (under the same load) . The result is that the use of a frequency inverter can save energy consumption by 20%. The result allows the relevant maintenance people to understand the actual energy consumption rate so as to achieve energy conservation. In addition, this study may be used to lessen the potential impacts of global warming. Also, the linear regression method is a good tool in terms of the evaluation of energy conservation rates, and may be used as an important tool to gauge various ESCO(Energy Service Company) energy conservation methods for this country in the future. Therefore the linear regression method may be widely used in the future because it has been proven to be an effective tool.


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