  • 學位論文


Market Reaction to Rating Report by Foreign Institutions: A Price and Trading Behavior Analysis

指導教授 : 趙莊敏


台灣證交所自民國五十年成立以來,投資人以散戶為主,較少外來資金以及法人,而散戶投資人因為知識和經驗上的不足,容易對資訊過度反應,造成台灣股市成為較封閉的淺碟型市場結構,本研究藉由衡量投資人交易行為的變數:交易量、交易筆數的變化,探討台灣股票市場中投資人對於外資券商公佈的個股評等報告行為反應,本研究除了探討外資券商評等報告公佈後對交易量、交易筆數等交易行為與價格影響的持續效果和不同投資族群(三大法人與散戶)以及不同市場期間(多頭、持平、空頭期間)對資訊反應的差異,研究中也進一步分析發佈券商自身的買進和賣出行為。 本研究以台灣五十指數成分股做為樣本,研究期間為2007年1月1日至2008年12月31日,研究發現如下:1.單一外資發佈的評等內容會對股票市場報酬率和交易行為產生影響,同時外資評等報告發佈前在台灣股市即產生顯著的異常交易行為和報酬率,顯示外資券商在資訊發佈前,其資訊可能就已經洩漏。2.台灣股市投資人中投信和自營商較不會參考個別外資評等報告,但外資會彼此相參考,散戶在操作上也會參考個別外資評等報告。3.台灣股市散戶投資人面對好消息時容易過度反應,但面對壞消息卻反應不足,展現強烈的處分效果。4.外資若對個股後勢有疑慮,會以中立的方式溫和的發佈評等報告,並開始降低持股部位,不會直接給予個股負面評等。5.發佈券商本身可能會在期貨市場或透過其他避險工具操作佈局,因此整體而言在現貨市場所觀察到的異常交易行為有限。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the security returns and trading behavior of institutional investors and individual investors in Taiwan stock market around the rating report announcement of foreign institutions. The data used in this study is observed from Jan, 2007 to Dec, 2008. The sample companies in this study are the stocks listed in the TSEC Taiwan 50 Index which contains the Top 50 high trading volume stocks in Taiwan stock market. The event study method is used, while the market model is used to estimate the expected value of the price, trading volume and transaction numbers. The abnormal returns, abnormal trading volume and the abnormal transactions numbers are therefore calculated and used to examine whether the announcement of the rating report will lead to an abnormal trading behavior of the investors in Taiwan stock markets. From this study, we investigate the effect of rating report by foreign institution on different types of investors based on the stock price, trading volume and transaction numbers. That results help researcher to understand the information effect on investors and the duration of the effects under the bear and bull market period. In addition, understanding the different trading behavior of investors helps investors to make better decisions when receiving information.


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