  • 學位論文


Study on the mechanism for sustainable management – A case from Xueqin road of the NTPU district at Sansia, Taipei County

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


台灣近年來爲縮短城鄉差距,地方政府利用市地重劃與區段徵收的手段,在大都市週邊建立衛星城市,但只靠都市計劃與都市設計審議快速完成的硬體城市空間,在未來將會走向亂序與逐漸敗壞的命運。永續經營機制是都市正向發展的必要途徑,是這些新興衛星城市所必須面對與克服的議題。 台北大學特定區都市計畫於1991年公告,截至2006年幾乎所有土地已完全標售進行開發。本區是以大學城為發展概念,學勤路的造街計畫依循當地特色文化與藝術為概念,以台北大學校門口為起點延伸1.3公里,是為特定區之軸線,沿線主要建築已全部完工,目前此新開發的街道上已有百分之九十入住,約八千人。沿街硬體完成後,未來永續經營將是一重要的議題。本論文以學勤路為研究地點, 利用「誘導式結構」為操作方法,進行街區永續經營策略及機制之研究。分別提出6項永續經營策略及21項街區永續經營機制,期以提供大學城社區行政執行之參考。


For shortened disparity between urban and rural regions in Taiwan, the local government usually utilize the urban land consolidation and zone expropriation as means to build satellite cities beside the metropolitan. But it will out of date in the future if the satellite cities only rely on urban planning and design. Many research results support the mechanism of sustainable management that is a necessary way of urban development, even more the satellite cities have to face and pay attention issues. The urban planning of NTPU district was announcement in 1991 and the land almost has been completely exploited in 2006. This area is developing for the concept of college city as well as the design of Xueqin road following the local characteristics of culture and art. Xueqin road is a stree of 1.3 km length as an axis of district from the school gate, the building had completed done and the resident population is about 8000. Although it is a new street, but how to sustain manage for vibrant is important. This thesis regards on the issues of urban sustainability, strategies and mechanisms based on Heuristic structure as a model. I deduced six strategies and twenty one mechanism of sustainable management for a recommendation of policy execution on Xueqin road.


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