  • 學位論文


Eps is utilized in the pipelines of underground Mass Rapid Transit

指導教授 : 林正平


伴隨著地下捷運工程的開發,過去佈設於地下的舊有維生管線也必須拆除遷移或更新;而目前的規範在拆除遷移施工中回填是採用混凝土作為回填材料,在管線距離地面1.2公尺以上的採用CLSM而未滿1.2公尺的則使用強度140kgf/cm²的混凝土作為回填材料,其使用CLSM之目的是為了將來二次遷移再次開挖時較為方便而且可儘早開放通車。 由於管線非常之脆弱,常常於開挖混凝土時不小心挖到而造成管線破壞,導致工程延誤。經過與工程管線資深工程師討論後,整理出管線工程施工緩慢之主要原因有以下五項: 1.因下雨天造成施工緩慢或無法施工。 2.挖破管線造成修復延遲。 3.施工時破壞到管線造成混凝土流進管線而堵塞。 4.舊有管線資料與現地不符合,尋找舊有管線困難。 5.為防止破壞到管線,開挖特別小心而放慢速度。 面對此情形若使用地工泡棉(EPS)作為回填材料,替代原使用之混凝土回填,則可改善施工緩慢原因中的1、2、3、5項。由於EPS具有超輕質、經濟性、耐水性佳、施工簡便、自立性良好等特性,若以此材料替代混凝土作為地下捷運工程中管線工程的回填材料,不但能縮短工期也能減少成本,本研究以單軸抗壓試驗與成本效益分析來驗証EPS可替代CLSM作為回填材料應用於地下捷運工程中的管線工程,並可達到節省成本的效益。


CLSM 地工泡棉


Taiwan's continued expansion of public construction investment. The amount spent on public works each year more than one hundred billion NT. Taipei MRT project is one of the very significant building. With the development of underground MRT project.Laid in the ground past the old Lifelines must also be dismantled migrate or update. The current specification in construction demolition backfill migration is the use of concrete as a backfill material. In pipelines distance 1.2 meters above the ground using CLSM. but less than 1.2 meters using the strength of 140kgf/cm ² concrete as a backfill material. The purpose of using CLSM is more convenient for future re-excavation of the secondary migration and can be opened to traffic as soon as possible. Because pipelines is very fragile, and often careless when excavation dug concrete damage caused by pipelines, leading to project delays. The main reason for the slow construction of the pipelines has the following five: 1. Because construction is slow or unable rainy construction. 2. Repair delays caused by ruptured pipelines. 3. Causing damage to the concrete flowing into the pipelines construction and pipelines blockage. 4. Old pipelines data does not comply with existing data, looking for the old pipelines difficulties. 5. To prevent damage to the pipeline, careful excavation and slow down. MRT underground pipelines construction and engineering projects are often the main structure must complement each other. If the pipeline project would directly affect the duration of the delay. If using ground workers foam (EPS) as a backfill material. Replace concrete backfill. The reason may be a slow improvement in the construction of 1,2,3,5 items. Because EPS has super lightweight, economy, water resistance, simple construction, good self and other characteristics. If this material is used as backfill underground concrete alternative to the MRT project pipelines projects. Not only can shorten the construction period can also reduce costs. In this study, uniaxial compression tests and cost-benefit analysis to verify the EPS alternative CLSM as a backfill material used in underground MRT project in the pipeline project.


EPS Geofoam CLSM


20.Bischoff, P. H. and Perry, S. H., (1991). “Compressive Behavior of Concrete at High Strain Rate,” Materials and Structures, Vol. 24, pp. 425-450.


