  • 學位論文


Research on the Environmental Load of New Building Construction

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


本研究主要探討新建建築工程環境負荷調查,以營建施工作業階段對環境負荷的影響程度做全面性瞭解,並針對案例數據分析,以擬定出最佳化的低環境負荷方式。本論文以案例「國立台北科技大學教學研究大樓新建工程」作為探討,從基礎工程至建物興建完成,針對營建施工階段的人力、機具、水電、廢棄物所產出環境負荷,進行整體性的評估。 本研究成果如下: 一、新建建築工程營建施工階段環境負荷『評估方法』為: 由新建建築工程營建施工階段找出環境負荷因子,以「排放係數法」建立評估方法,以降低施工過程環境影響,本研究以新建建築工程進行調查分析找出「場外」及「場內」之環境負荷因子,本研究列出以下要點: (一)「場外」之環境負荷因子有以下幾項要點: 1.工地現場施工人員旅次。 2.施工機具至工地現場旅次。 3.施工建材至工地現場旅次。 4.工地現場營建廢棄物清運。 (二)「場內」環境負荷因子有以下幾項要點: 1.工地現場施工機具。 2.工地現場施工臨時電力。 3.工地現場施工臨時用水。 二、新建建築工程營建施工階段環境負荷『個案解析』為: (一)以本個案新建建築工程階段,各工程階段耗能比率: 1.連續壁與箱涵工程階段,場外38%、場內62%。 2.土方開挖與箱涵工程階段,場外71%、場內29%。 3.地下結構體工程階段,場外40%、場內60%。 4.地上結構體工程階段,場外38%、場內62%。 5.裝修工程階段,場外29%、場內71%。 (二)以本個案新建建築工程階段,各工程階段碳排比率: 1.連續壁與箱涵工程階段,場外71%、場內29%。 2.土方開挖與箱涵工程階段,場外91%、場內9%。 3.地下結構體工程階段,場外79%、場內21%。 4.地上結構體工程階段,場外72%、場內28%。 5.裝修工程階段,場外66%、場內34%。 (三)以本個案新建建築工程階段,總環境負荷主要來源於「裝修工程階段」,其比率占本工程45%,主要環境負荷因子來自「人力運輸」與「臨時用電」。


This study primarily aimed at surveying the environmental load of new building construction. We gained comprehensive understanding of the severity of environmental load during the operational stage of building construction by analyzing data from study case. In this thesis, we investigated the case of the new construction of the “Teaching and Research Building, National Taipei University of Technology”. We conducted comprehensive assessment of the environmental load from workers, equipment, plumbing and electricity, and waste produced during the operational stage of building construction from the foundational engineering to completion of construction. Results from this study were: 1. Establishment of assessment methods of environmental load from new building construction: “External” factors causing environmental load from new building construction are trip counts of workers, construction equipment, and construction material to the construction site, and the removal of construction waste from the construction site. “Internal” factors are construction equipment, temporary electricity use, and temporary water use at the construction site. We used “discharge coefficient” method to establish the assessment method in order to reduce the environmental load during the construction process. 2. Analysis of environmental load from the case of newly construction building: During the construction phase of this new building, main source of overall environmental load was from the “renovation stage” that accounts for 45% of the load. Major factors for environmental load were from “worker transportation” and “temporary electricity use”. The analytic results from this case assessment can be used in the environmental load assessment of new building constructions in order to set up policies to improve and reduce environmental load.


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