  • 學位論文


A Research on Evaluation for Environmental Burden of Different Building Envelope Renovation Methods

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


基於建築生產階段密集消耗資源的同時產生高度集中之環境負荷,如何延長建築使用壽命漸漸成為先進國家所關注的議題。台灣近數十年來發展的過程中,建築生產多採用鋼筋混凝土構造,並以瓷磚作爲外牆裝飾材料,根據國内對瓷磚外牆壽命的相關研究結果,加上對於建築外殼性能提升需求的觀察,臺灣建築即將面臨的外牆整建潮將再一次從建築解體與興建的過程中對環境產生可觀的負荷。 建築外殼性能的提升與變更牽涉到建築構件的部分解體與新建,本研究針對國內慣用的建築外殼構造與外飾材料,在建築外殼面臨更新階段所產生之環境負荷因子進行分析與統計,藉由更新過程之耗能與二氧化碳之量化,找出影響環境負荷之施工因子,提出改善對策。 本研究之結論如下: 一、 建築外殼更新階段之主要環境負荷因子 建築外殼更新階段所產生之環境負荷以拆除階段為主,尤其呈現在人力資源的環境因子上,從耗能與二氧化碳排放量的觀點上來看,傳統拆除工法所產生的環境效率相對低落。 二、 建築構件之拆解深度影響剩餘物資之轉用目的 傳統鋼筋混凝土建築物構件拆除後的剩餘物資大多數分解成接近原料的型態回歸資源的靜脈循環或做較低層次的循環甚至終止循環,本研究從文獻回顧中對於建築綠色解體技術、營建廢棄物處理現況以及發展前景認知的基礎上,得到的結論是:建築構件之拆解深度會直接影響營建廢棄物之轉用目的與效率,提供新式拆解技術的經濟誘因,有助於建築生產與拆除所造成的環境負荷隨著資源再利用繼續循環。 三、 藉由比較不同工法施工過程中能源消耗以及二氧化碳排放量,提供建築外殼更新過程中環境負荷之量化比較基準,作為後續管理建築外殼更新過程環境負荷之參考依據。 以本研究案例為例,在不變更傳統外牆構造以及施工習慣,單純使用替代工法降低構件拆解深度可以減少外牆更新過程的二氧化碳排放量達7%;建築構件的輕量化,明顯的在外牆更新過程中對環境產生的負荷佔有相當大的優勢,從替代工法與傳統工法的比較上可以達到減少二氧化碳排放量58%,搭配高效率之拆解工法則可以達到減少二氧化碳排放66%以及65%的效率;在建築構件模組化與預鑄化的部分較明顯地呈現在現場施工的環境效益上,相對於場鑄工法也可以達到減少二氧化碳排放量10%,若能搭配較有效率之拆除工法,整體更新過程中現場施工的二氧化碳排放量甚至低於輕量化工法分別可以達到二氧化碳減量44%以及41%。 本研究可藉由施工過程中產生二氧化碳排放量之量化數據,建立不同工法間的環境負荷對比關係,進而以類比之評估方式建立評估參數,有助於簡化評估方法,達到管理建築外殼更新過程所產生環境負荷之目標,作為評估與管理建築更新構法與工法選用之依據。


How to extend the building life have become issues of concern to advanced contries with consentration on the highly environmental burden that been made during the building congstruction process. The construction methods of building in Taiwan, in recent decades, most commonly used reinforcement concrete as building structure, and tiles as decoration of building envelope. According to the domastical result of research on wall tile life span and the observation on the demand of the improvement of building envelope performance, Taiwan will soon be challenged by considerable environment burden with huge demand of renovation on building envelope. The process of improvements on building envelope performance involved the demolition and the refabrication projects of building conpornments. This research focus on the factors of renovation process that building envelop structure and decolation materials were frequently used in local building envelope to analyze environment burden by quantitate the factors of energy consumption and CO2 emission during renovation process, and to find out the primary factor of environment burden in building envelope renovation stage. The conclusion of this research as following: 1. The primary factor of environment burden on building envelope renovantion The primary burden of environment has been gengrated in demolition stage of renovation process, and spically presented on the facter of manpower. Troditional method of demolition provides conparatively low efficiency on environement load with the view point on assessment of energy consumption and CO2 emission. 2. The depth of demolition on building conpornment influences the purpose of reuse. Most surplus materials of traditional demolition method have been taken apart into almost its original shape to satisify the recycling market as vein circulation or lower level of artery circulation or even stop its circulation. This research have conclude frome literature about green deconstruction technique and the observation on the development of surplus materials recycling technique in the market that the depth of demolition on building component would directly effect the recycling purpose and its efficiency. How to offer economical inducement to deconstruction technique would help the environment burden created from building construction and deconstruction to keep recycling with the surplus construction opjects be used. 3. This research provide a model of assessment to estiment the environment burden on building envelope renovation by compareing the energy consumption and CO2 emission between different building envelope renovation methods. As result, it offers referrals to administer environment burden during building renovation. In case of this research project, it will reduce 7% CO2 emission to troductional renovation method with only displacement of deconstruction method to reduce the depth of demolition on building envelop structure. In compare with trodicitional RC structure, 58% CO2 emission was reduced by useing stell structure as building envelope. Further more, 66% and 65% CO2 emission was reduced by using efficient deconstruction method as substitution in demolition stage. Precasting RC method is comparatively more efficient in CO2 emission than cast in place method in construction stage of renovation, which will reduce 10% CO2 emission in whole process of renovation. Precast RC method would further more reduce 41% and 44% CO2 emission to collocate with efficient deconstruction method, and even lower than stell structure in site work. This research contribute quantity relationships of environment burden with compareing different building envelope renovation methods by quantitate CO2 emission of factors in building envelope renovation stages. That helps to simplify the assessment to environment burden, and further more, offers refferal to assess or to administer building renovation methods in consider of environment burden.


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