  • 學位論文


Design of Origin Mark-The Cimei Township Case Study

指導教授 : 王鴻祥


台灣的島嶼觀光隨著週休二日政策實施後成為熱門觀光旅遊行程,政府也提倡「一鄉一特產」,嘗試將「文化、產業、觀光」三者合一。本研究嘗試以澎湖縣七美鄉產地證明標章的設計與應用為案例,探討如何將澎湖縣七美鄉重要文化資產「雙心石滬」轉化於產地證明標章及產品包裝設計應用上。   研究方法為赴七美鄉進行參與式觀察及設計創作前的問卷調查,確認「雙心石滬」是最能代表七美鄉的文化資產,再將其運用於產地證明標章設計中。七美鄉產地證明標章設計完成四項提案後,再以設計後問卷進行分析及商品設計的應用。 經本研究調查後發現,將地方文化應用於產地標章之設計將有助於提昇地方文化,讓旅客產生文化認同,促進當地農特產發展,提振地方經濟收入。


Touring around the Taiwan island has become a popular activity with the implementation of two-day-off- in-a-weekend policy. Therefore, the Taiwanese government also tries to combine culture and industry to tourism. This study attempts to explore how to transform the important culture assets of the Twin Hearts Stone Weir in Chimei Township, Penghu County into the mark certificate of products as well as product packaging design application. The research adopts participant observation and questionnaires in order to confirm that the "Twin Hearts Stone Weir is most representative of the cultural assets of Chimei Township. Next, the researcher applies it to to the certificate of origin label design. After finishing the four proposals, the study has tried to analyze the questionnaires and product design applications. The study finds out that the appliances to local culture to mark design will contribute to enhance the local culture, so that tourists produce cultural identity, promote the development of local agricultural products, and boost the income of the local economy.


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