  • 學位論文


A Study on the Experiential Curriculum of Vocational School Students in the Project Development of the Commercial Cluster

指導教授 : 張嘉育


本研究旨在探討高職商業群學生對專題製作這一門課的詮釋、好惡與人際互動之感受,本研究採用質性研究中焦點團體訪談與深度訪談的方式來作為資料蒐集的主要方法,並佐以教室參與觀察及文件分析輔助,期能由此得知學生在專題製作課程中真正之習得,而參與研究的對象為二年級國際貿易科42名學生。研究結果發現學生在專題製作這門課中所經驗之個殊性差異甚大,詮釋的觀點與感受有多面向之呈現,主要結論如下。 一、高職商業群學生對專題製作課程的詮釋符應了課程目標欲培養之能力,也因為專題製作非升學考科,被視為放鬆或不重要的課。 二、師生互動對學生而言,以老師的鼓舞、體恤及有求必應為感受最深刻者,但學生也覺得老師無法在課堂上照應到每一組學生;而同儕互動關係良好的小組,會覺得「有伴真好」,合作關係不佳的小組,則容易出現「能者多勞」或「能躲則躲」的感受。 三、學生對專題製作課程有正負面感受,而學生之認知與興趣、課程內容難易度、教師教學、同儕互動、時間壓力皆影響學生對專題製作之好惡。


This study aimed to explore students’ learning experiences in Project Development. Through dialogue with the students, not only can we understand how the Project Development influence students’ learning effect, but also realize what makes students’ learning experiences different. Therefore, through interviews from qualitative research as the main method of data collection, accompanied by classroom observation and document analysis, we hope that we can figure out what students have really learned from Project Development. Moreover, those who are observed are forty-two students who study in international trade Section in second-year senior high school. The results show that each student goes through a significant individual difference of learning experience in Project Development, and the feelings about Project Development are also presented in multi-angle perspectives. Conclusions are as follows. First, what students, majoring in the commercial cluster in vocational high schools, thinking about Project Development conform the ability of curriculum objective want to train. That means students do not take Project Development seriously because they considered Project Development is not an entrance examination subject. Second, what students feel the deepest in Project Development is the encourage words which teachers give to them. But students also feel that teachers could not take care of all of them at the same time. Students who belong to the team with better interactions considered it is great to getting into group work. On the contrary, at a team with bad atmospheres, students find that able people always do more works, and all teammates are not in the same boat. Third, students’ attitude towards to Project Development have positive and negative feelings, and the factors that affect students’ attitude towards to Project Development are the students themselves, curriculum, teacher, classmates and times.




