  • 學位論文


Competitive Strategy Analysis of Foreign Brands LCD TV in China Market

指導教授 : 黃乾怡


電視機是影音技術的集合體。 隨著顯示屏和液晶面板技術不斷革新,從黑白演變到彩色,從影像管進化到液晶面板,在可以預見的未來,液晶電視將是彩電的主流技術。目前液晶電視的滲透率幾乎達到100%。電視在三網(電信網、廣播電視網、互聯網)融合之下,內容與播放的數位化,加上網路普及化,電視逐漸成為家庭娛樂中心、家庭訊息中心、內容營運平臺。尤其中國是全球最大的電視市場也是液晶電視成長的主力和兵家必爭之地。更加彰顯液晶電視的發展性。 本研究主要聚焦在中國液晶電視市場「外國品牌」與「本土品牌」的競爭分析。探討在全球擁有相對優勢的外國品牌為何在中國市場表現不如其他區域?針對中國的液晶電視市場產業利用PEST、國家競爭力的鑽石模型、五力分析、SWOT等產業分析工具,從外、 內部競爭等逐一檢視整體環節。 用企業觀點將蒐集到的產業現況與未來發展趨勢資料,用個案分析比較的方式進行,擬定出較具優勢的品牌競爭策略,從中找出外國品牌液晶電視在中國市場的發展契機,據以提供外國品牌液晶電視廠商參考。


TV is a product with integration of audio and video technologies. The TV market involves revolution from monochrome to color, from the cathode ray tube to the flat panel display that requires innovation of LCD panel technology. Up to now, the penetration rate of LCD TV nearly achieves 100%. In the foreseeable future,LCD TV will be the mainstream technology of color television. Under the integration of the three networks (telecommunication networks, broadcasting television networks and the Internet), the digitization and the popularization of internet, the television gradually becomes a home entertainment center, the family message center as well as the contents of the operating platform. In particular, China is the largest LCD TV market worldwide and the main battlefield for all LCD TV brand makers. This research mainly focuses on the China LCD TV market for foreign brands that competes with the domestic brands. The reasons why those foreign brands show competing advantage in the world, but not in mainland China, are investigated through the PEST, diamond model, five forces and the SWOT analysis. Based on the analytical result, this research proposes a competitive strategy and identifies opportunity in China market, so the foreign brands LCD TV makers can use as reference to enhance its competitiveness.


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