  • 學位論文


Investigating the factor That Influence Social Virtual Product Experience Sharing Intention-The Comparison of Culture Differencesas Moderators

指導教授 : 耿慶瑞


資訊科技技術的成熟與發達使得網際網路普及化,行動上網日漸普遍,改變了人們的生活習慣,成了生活要素之一,對於年輕一代的人,更是成為人生的一部分。近年來虛擬社群與及時通訊軟體的崛起,都附加了動態分享的功能,其頁面更是滿足行動用戶即時分享與瀏覽等需求,突顯了網路社交平台的重要性。許多的研究顯示,個人的知識分享意願會受到文化差異影響,不同的文化特徵蘊涵了消費者間不同的認知以及價值觀。本研究參考整合性科技接收模型(UTAUT)之4大構面,即績效期望、心力付出期望、社交影響及促成條件,並以台灣與馬來西亞為研究樣本,參考Hofstede學者提出之文化理論(權力距離、不確定性規避及長期導向)為干擾變數,探討影響虛擬產品經驗分享意願之因素。 研究結果發現得知,績效期望(PE)、心力付出期望(EE)、社交影響(SI)、促成條件(FC)之迴歸係數為正數,並存在直接效果。故此4項自變數對給予式、交換式虛擬產品經驗(SVPE)分享有顯著影響。另外Hofstede學者提出之文化理論(權力距離、不確定性規避及長期導向)之干擾變數,也有產生干擾效果。


The universal of Internet lead to the maturality and growth of Information Technology. Nowadays, communication devices such as smartphones and tablets had become part of the important elements in human life especially towards the younger generations. It becomes common to share their opinions and experience in the virtual community through social media or communication application (App) such as LINE, WECHAT and facebook . The rise of virtual community and instant messaging software had append the function of dynamic share. Besides that, it had fulfill the demand of mobile users to share and browse the information at any time. Most of the studies show that, sharing of personal information will influence the difference in culture. The four main variables in this study was credit to UTAUT. There are Performance Expectancy(PE), Effort Expectancy(EE), Social Influence(SI) and Facilitating Conditions(FC). In addition, the three cultural dimensions—power distance, uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation proposed by Hofstede (2001)—function as the moderators in this study. To investigate the influence of Social Virtual Product Experience (SVPE), Investigation will focus on the influence in volunteer sharing personal information between consumers in different country(Taiwan and Malaysia) with a different culture.


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