  • 學位論文


A Study On The Effects Of Inter-Organization Knowledge Economic To Organization Culture And Core Competence

指導教授 : 羅啟源


今日以知識為競爭基礎的知識經濟浪潮,早已席捲全球。另外,隨者世界各國陸續加入WTO(World Trade Organization)後,受到WTO條約與網際網路發達影響,世界上已經真正成為一個地球村了。在知識經濟及全球化趨勢中,企業要永續長青、建置持續性競爭優勢,必須進行跨組織合作;而掌握跨組織知識經濟能力並將其融入企業文化中及發展企業核心能力,則是最重要的課題。 本研究經文獻探討、問題分析、問卷設計與調查,並進行統計分析萃取跨組織知識經濟、企業文化、核心能力等構面之相關因素以實證「跨組織知識經濟對企業文化與核心能力之影響」。 本研究之問卷分三大題項:跨組織知識經濟、企業文化及核心能力。題項經因素分析萃取構面因素有:1.跨組織知識經濟:主要因素為聯盟組織的知識經濟能力、組織本身的知識經濟能力。2.企業文化:主要因素為促進企業文化價值、促進企業適應能力。3.企業核心能力:主要因素為整合能力、技術能力。 以上各個構面因素,經採因素分析、信度分析,各構面因素的Cronbach’s α值均大於0.9,具有甚佳的信度。效度分析之p值也都<0.01,顯示本研究具有相當高的信度與效度。 本研究獲致研究結果如下:在跨組織知識經濟構面對企業文化及核心能力構面上,跨組織知識經濟構面之聯盟組織的知識經濟能力因素可以增強企業文化構面各因素及核心能力構面之整合能力因素。跨組織知識經濟構面之組織本身的知識經濟能力因素可以增強企業文化構面及核心能力構面各因素。 在企業文化與核心能力構面上,企業文化構面各因素可以增強核心能力構面之整合能力因素。而強化核心能力構面之整合能力因素對企業文化構面各因素亦有增強之回饋效果。企業文化構面之促進企業適應能力因素可以增強核心能力構面之技術能力因素。而強化技術能力對企業文化構面之促進企業適應能力因素亦有增強之回饋效果。 本研究針對跨組織知識經濟、企業文化、核心能力因素三個領域的知識、內涵作深入探討並完成理論架構之實證,所建構的理論與知識可供相關領域之學術研究參考並可供企業實務上作為借鏡之用。


The wave of knowledge based competitiveness was recognized by every organization for a long time. Most countries had entered WTO, and under WTO guidelines and Internet effectiveness, the world is becoming an earth village. For survival and building up the long turn competitiveness, Enterprises must proceed to do the inter-organization cooperation. The most important issue is on controlling the knowledge economic of inter-organization and feeding this economic power into organization culture and its’ core competency. The study abstracts correlative factors of inter-organizational knowledge economic, organizational culture and core competency. The questionnaires were developed under deeply examination. By using statistics analysis, the study empirically prove the 「A Study On The Effects Of Inter-Organizational Knowledge Economic To Organizational Culture And Core Competency」. The questionnaires were divided into tree parts : the first part is inter-organizational knowledge economic, the second part is organizational culture, and the third part is core competency. After analysis of the three study dimensions, all questions are significant. Form confirmative factor analysis, it shows Cronbach’s α of every factors are grater than 0.9. The p value is less than 0.01, so the result of reliability and validity analysis is quite acceptable. The findings from the study are as follows, The greater power of alignment‘s knowledge economic, the greater extent of organization‘s culture value and ability to accommodate challenge from outside of organization and future, and the greater power of integration. The organizational knowledge economic can strengthen the extent of all factors of organization‘s culture and core competency. For dimensions of organizational culture and core competency, all factors of organizational culture can strengthen the extent of power of integration, and strengthen the extent of power of integration can also strengthen the extent of all factors of organization‘s culture. To enhance the extent of ability to accommodate challenge can strengthen the power of technology. And ability to accommodate challenges will strengthen the ability to accommodate challenge too. After deeply studied inter-organizational knowledge economic, organizational culture and core competency and completed the empirically proven, the knowledge and theory built by this thesis can be illustration or reference for academic studies of mentioned areas and business practice.


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