  • 學位論文

跨國企業購併與異質ERP系統整合之研究 -以LT公司為例

A Research on Multinational Corporation Merge-and-integration for Heterogeneous ERP System ─ Taking LT as an Example

指導教授 : 曾章瑞


跨國企業購併對於企業來說是拓展海外市場與邁向國際化的捷徑,但是企業進行跨國的購併活動仍然有相當的風險,所以本研究探討跨國公司在進行企業購併後所因應的異質ERP系統整合問題探討,以質化研究分析常用的『個案研究法』,並配合深度訪談,透過初級和次級資料的收集、文獻探討和實際的個案參與觀察的方式來探索研究問題,再將訪談內容加以分析以及討論「企業購併異質ERP系統整合」過程中所面臨問題。   本個案是三個國家四地區域的購併後ERP系統整合,在ERP系統整合後第一年即達獲利與穩定成長業績,係跨國企業異質ERP系統成功案例。由本個案研究之結論可提供國內企業進行企業購併案時,整合異質ERP系統待規劃及執行之參考提供其它企業降低風險及提高企業國際化發展之經營效益。


ERP整合 企業購併 組織文化


Although it is a shortcut for enterprises to expand into overseas markets and towards internationalization through mergers and acquisitions, there are considerable risks in doing mergers and acquisitions. This study is aimed at identifying and analyzing integration issues of ERP systems as well as examining the key factors that affect the performance of ERP systems integration after mergers and acquisitions of LT Company. The case study, a common qualitative research method, is used along with in-depth interview, primary and secondary documents collection, literature review and direct observation of actual cases. Firstly, the interview outline was designed and the key persons of LT Company were selected. Furthermore, in-depth interviewing was used to explore the questions or issues. The responses were analyzed and the problems faced in ERP integration process were discussed. Considering the research findings. As this case is making profit and expands market in the first year after the merger, this is really a success case. Therefore, the findings of this study can provide a reference and bring best benefits to the domestic enterprises for integration of heterogeneous ERP systems while mergers and acquisitions.


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