  • 學位論文


Quality Control of Design and Construction Stage in Military Engineering and Operation Maintenance

指導教授 : 林利國


國軍是國家安定的主要力量,各項軍事投資是維持國軍精實壯大的主要來源,而軍事營繕工程則是以有效支援戰備任務,確保國家整體安全為著眼。軍事營繕工程之建構攸關國軍之建軍與備戰;然而,在現階段負責國軍營繕工程之單位在政策考量下逐漸精減,使得軍事營繕工程在工程專業人員不足及配合政府採購法之實施情況下,由以往的自行規劃設計、監造,到目前大部份採委託技術服務辦理。因此各項營繕工程計畫執行及營建管理效能之良窳,不僅攸關國軍戰備、訓練與後勤支援任務的成敗,更將影響國軍作戰能力。 軍事營繕工程為國防總體建設的基礎,亦為政府公共工程建設的一環;軍事營繕工程每年平均之執行預算約新台幣壹百億元,然而近幾年來軍事營繕工程在委託建築師設計、監造、統包及專案營建管理(Project Construction Management;簡稱為PCM)等技術服務,常因建築師設計時測量、鑽探調查不實、未辦鑑界而與現況不符,不當設計、設計不周延,圖說數量漏算、漏列,建材指定廠牌或綁規格,設計、監造人員經驗不夠、人員不足,設計圖面與施工規範不一致、營建管理不當等因素,造成軍事營繕工程進度落後,工程品質不良、變更設計、工程糾紛等問題與日俱增,導致必須與承包商協調、申訴、調解、仲裁及訴訟等,不僅耗損大量的精力與時間,延誤工程進度與預算支用,更嚴重影響軍事單位進駐使用與戰備能力之發揮;本研究以軍事營繕工程委託技術服務歷年常見的設計缺失與驗收缺點進行分析探討,以研擬如何能有效於軍事營繕工程之設計、施工階段即作好品質管理,進而確保軍事工程之品質。


Military is the main strength of each country's stability. Every military investment is the main source to maintain military's strength. The intention of military engineering and operation maintenance is to support the war preparedness task effectively and to guarantee the whole country's security. However, under the consideration of the government policy, the unit responsibility for the military engineering and operation maintenance must be reduced with its dimension gradually . It results in the deficiency of professional engineer, besides, to cooperate with the fulfillment of government procurement act, the implement of engineer procurement has changed from self planning and designing to entrust planning and designing. Therefore, each plan of military engineering and operation maintenance and the efficiency of construction management is not only concerned with the success or failure of our country's army's war preparedness, training and logistics supporting task but also influence the army’s fighting capability. The military engineering and operation maintenance is the foundation of overall construction of the national defense, it’s also a link of government's public engineering construction, its annually average utilizing budget reaches the figure of approximately10 billion. However, in recent years, the technique services such as design, supervision, turnkey and Project construction management entrusted to the architect that often make mistakes in measurement, drilling, site investment, unsuitable design and inappropriate construction management, etc. at the design stage. All these mistakes made by the architect result in the growing of engineer’s rate of progress lagging behind, poor project quality, altering the original design, engineering dispute. They also cause coordinating, appealing, mediating, arbitrating and lawsuit, etc. between the owner and the contractor. Thus, the mistakes not merely use up a large amount of energy and time, but also delay project progress and budget disbursing. Even more, they extremely influence both the military owner to enter and garrison and war preparedness ability. My research focuses on the analysis and deliberate of the common faults on both design and check before acceptance phase in entrust technique service of military engineering and operation maintenance over the years, to propose a fine quality control of design and construction stage, further, it is a mainspring of this research to guarantee military project quality.




