  • 學位論文


The Research of Professional Construction Management in Major Military Engineering

指導教授 : 林利國


目前國軍執行許多大型專案,諸如建築工程、港灣工程、機場跑滑道、雷達站台、通信通訊工程…等,雖依政府相關法令及內規策頒了國軍營繕工程教則,該教則訂立了執行規定,惟欠缺一套完整之作業執行流程,更由於國軍各單位之間彼此特性不一,造成執行之後衍生諸多缺失,另由於國軍自88年起陸續實施精實案、精進案、精粹案等人力精簡計畫,因應單位組織整併、工程人力縮減,故以往由國軍自辦規劃設計、監造甚至自行施工之執行方式,配合政府採購法發布施行,亦改採「專案營建管理、規劃設計」等技術服務工作,委由民間工程顧問公司或建築師執行,然雖委由民間專業機構執行,仍發生諸多問題,深究原因,從業主的使用需求不確定及變更、專案營建管理顧問的功能發揮不彰、建築師的規劃設計品質不佳、營造承攬廠商的施工管理不善,層層關卡都產生諸多界面問題,影響每個個案的興建順利與否,是以雖然委外執行卻引起未達預期成效之質疑,國防部「○○分案」之執行即為案例之一。本研究針對國防部「○○分案」新建工程之設計/ 發包/ 施工/ 營運等問題,應用管理概念與工程專案管理方式及實際案例,探討並建立管理模式、機制與問題,提供未來國軍各工程執行之參考。


The national military of Taiwan has recently executed several large projects of engineering construction, such as the Building Construction, the Harbor Engineering, the Airport Runway Construction, the Radar Station Engineering, the Communication Station Engineering and etc. Although the military has issued “The Guidelines of Executing the Military Construction Engineering ”based on its internal policies and the government laws, its performance still resulted in many weakness. This phenomenon was due to the guidelines lacked of a complete operating procedure and was not suitable to all kinds of the troops. Moreover, since 1999, the number of the military staff has reduced to quite significant amount, and many units have also been eliminated or combined to others. The military construction projects of planning, designing, supervising, and building, no longer executed by the military itself, but now have outsourced to public consultants as known as the project managers. Nevertheless, outsourcing the military construction work to public project managers did not always perform a positive outcome. The uncertainty of the owner’s plan, the inefficiency of the project managers, a poor designer’ s work, and mismanagement of the construction companies could also have the influence on the projects execution. The construction of “OO sub-project” by the Department of National Defense in turns of the designing, outsourcing, construction and operation were studied in this research. The concept of project management and case studies were applied here to establish a model of engineering management. The model may be better used as a reference for the military engineering in the future.




