  • 學位論文


An Analytic Research on the Old-Age Care and Nursing

指導教授 : 吳建文


人口老化將是世界共同的趨勢,台灣地區截至95年9月底,國內65歲以上高齡人口佔全國總人口比率高逹9.9%,是近年來頗受各界關心與討論之議題,所以高齡者福利制度之建構,將是社會大眾未來最為關切的主題。 本研究主要目的在於探討潛在高齡族群對安養村選擇之因素,分別以人口統計變項、及對高齡安養機構之需求等項目,對進住高齡養生機構意願之調查。 隨著高齡化時代的來臨,本研究調查對象為台灣地區30~60 歲以上之的潛在族群,以郵寄問卷的方式進行,並利用SPSS10.0 套裝軟體分析影響進住高齡養生村的因素,研究結果顯示,「醫療滿意」、「硬體設備」、「整體環境」、「整體服務」、「舉辦活動」、「政府政策」等項目為影響高齡者進住高齡養生村意願之主要因素。 人生有各種不同的生命階段,而每個生命階段亦有重要之發展任務,在生命的最終階段---「老年期」,則是最貼近生命本質的時期,如何能優雅、莊嚴地渡過「老有所終」的生活,愉快地享受生命最終之旅程,這將是為人子女善盡孝道義務最直接的回饋與奉獻。 因此,本研究期以建立安養機構、長者與家屬,三者間之高齡照護供需關係,並將研究成果提供政府相關部門及業者推廣高齡安養福利之參考。


高齡者 老人安養


Population aging is a global trend nowadays. Up to the end of September, 2006, the ratio of aging population in Taiwan has risen to 9.9% and it has become a frequently discussed and concerned issue. Therefore, the establishment of welfare system for aging population is a deeply concerned topic to the public. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the major factors which influence the decision of the potential aging population on the choice of the senior home. A questionnaire survey was conducted to a sample in Taiwan aged 30 to 60. Based on the analysis from SPSS10.0 software package; the results show that 「Medical Service Satisfaction」、「 Hard Equipment」、「Integrated Environment」、「Integrated Service」、「Conducting Activities」、「Government Policy」are the most important determinants affecting the decision of choosing the senior homes by the aging population of Taiwan. There are many different stages throughout the life of human beings. Each stage has different goals to be met. During the last stage of old aged days, enjoying the life gracefully with respect would be the greatest repay for every child to their aged parents. Based on the above, this study explores the relationship among the senior home, the aged people and the family members of the aged people. The results of this research can serve as a reference to the related government departments and the proprietors of the senior home in the promotion of welfare to aged population.


Elders elder care


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