  • 學位論文


Life Cycle Cost Assessment for the Building Wall with High Insulation

指導教授 : 李魁鵬


本研究針對運動中心建築之各種節能手法,藉由DOE-2動態能源模擬分析,在滿足舒適與健康之條件下,進行多項模擬,藉以探討各節能手法之節能潛力,其中包含高隔熱性能外牆、遮陽設計(shading)、降低照明用電密度(LPD)、採用變風量空調系統(VAV)、變水量空調系統(VWV)、二氧化碳濃度之外氣控制系統(OA demand control)、高效率(COP)冰水主機等,除了分析出節能效益,並再深入以台灣之電價架構,估算各節能手法之耗電成本。 由於目前所探討之節能手法大多未進行生命週期成本分析,將使得節能工程有節能效益的把握,而成本效益卻充滿疑惑,本研究針對運動中心加強外牆隔熱之節能工程,進行生命週期成本評估,評估方案為高隔熱性能外牆相對於一般RC外牆。雖然高性能隔熱外牆有著極高的隔熱效果,能夠有效的阻隔熱量侵入室內,降低空調尖峰負荷,但是相對於一般RC外牆而言,其價格較為昂貴,因此若沒有成本效益,此節能手法將無法讓多數人接受。 評估成本效益,除了使用LCC分析,另外還有NS、SIR、AIRR、DPB方法,皆能評估出是否具有成本效益,本研究結果為,除了具有能源效益,亦具有成本效益,回收年限約發生在生命週期第五年,而總淨現值NS以3%折現率計算為將近860萬元。


運動中心 空調 電費 生命週期成本 節能 隔熱 NS SIR AIRR


This research aims at the life cycle cost analysis of the energy conservation measure of the sport centre building through the dynamic energy simulation program of DOE-2 under meeting the comfortable and healthy conditions. The adopted energy conservation measures of this simulation case include building wall with high level insulation, Low-E glazing, shading design, lower lighting power density, VAV, VWV, outside air demand control and chiller with high efficiency COP. However, the life cycle cost analysis only focuses on the high level insulation. Although many energy conservation measure analyses had been reported, most of them did not concern about the life cycle cost at present. That resulted in a situation that the energy conservation was visible, but the cost-effective issue was questionable. Since a high level insulation is exactly save energy and bill but also costs a lot. The purpose of this research is to study the life cycle cost of a sport centre building with high level insulated exterior wall and compares it will the regular RC wall. This research uses NS, SIR, AIRR and DPB models to estimate the life cycle cost. The result shows that the building wall with high level insulation not only has energy benefit but also cost benefit, the payback occurs in the fifth year of the life cycle and the net saving approaches to 8.6 million dollars on the condition of 3% discount rate.


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[6]Los Alamos National Laboratory, DOE-2 Verification Project, Phase 1, Final Report. Report No. LA-10649-MS, 1986.
[7]Los Alamos National Laboratory, DOE-2 Verification Project, Phase 1, Interim Report. Report No. LA-8295-MS, 1981.
[8]Nyuk Hien Wonga, Su Fen Taya, Raymond Wonga, Chui Leng Ongb, Angelia Siab, ” Life cycle cost analysis of rooftop gardens in Singapore,” Journal of Building and Environment, 38, 2003, pp. 499–509


李炳文(2010)。舊有辦公建築外殼更新改善之研究 -以台北市南京東路四段及五段之RC構造建築物為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000476
