  • 學位論文


Quantitative Strategies for Urban Earthquake Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation:A Case Study of Neihu District in Taipei City

指導教授 : 施邦築


台灣位於環太平洋地震帶,每年發生有感地震約200次以上,是世界上地震多發的國家之一,隨著經濟的發展,各地區都市化程度明顯加快,因此人口密集度升高、城市機能和設施的不斷擴大與高度現代化,使得地震的潛在危害性也越來越大,而同樣的震害發生在都市(特別是人口密集的大都市),其所帶來的危害和造成的損失遠比地震發生在鄉村時更為嚴重。 本研究針對台北市內湖區以「台灣地震災損評估系統 (TELES)」為工具,進行防救災空間規劃,並蒐集國內外減災、整備相關資料,利用不同的減災手法(土地使用管制、建築規範、地震保險…等),及台北都會區防救災相關計畫內容、執行現況…等,進行系統性分析,提出適切之減災與整備對策建議。 選定四個地震模擬事件,以TELES產出結果檢討內湖區之整備現況,包括避難(據點、路線)、醫療(人力、資源)、人命搶救(救火、搜救)、震後廢棄物與救災物資等五大項目並提出整備策略。減災策略除了以TELES為工具來選定高災害潛勢區與窳陋地區,亦提出針對建築防災、社區防災之減災對策。


地震 TELES 減災 整備


Taiwan is located in the Central Pacific seismic zone, earthquakes occur each year more than 200, is the world's earthquake-prone countries. With economic development, urbanization speed up significantly, therefore the population density, urban function and expanding facilities and a high degree of modernization, making the potential harm of the earthquake is also growing, and similar damage occurred in the city (especially in densely populated cities), they brought about the harm and damage caused by far than when the earthquake occurred in the village even more serious. In this study, to use " Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System (TELES)" as a tool in Neihu to carry out urban disaster prevention plan, and the collection of domestic and international disaster mitigation, preparedness information, using different methods of disaster mitigation (land-use controls, building codes, earthquake insurance etc…), and the Taipei disaster prevention plan content, the implementation of the current situation, to carry out a systematic analysis of the relevance of disaster reduction and preparedness countermeasures. Simulation of four seismic events selected to review the results of TELES. Preparedness strategies including evacuation (Sanctuary, evacuation routes), medical (human resources, medical equipment), life rescue (fire fighting, search and rescue), and relief materials from the earthquake, goods and materials for preparedness strategies. In addition to the TELES strategy for Disaster Reduction as a tool to select high susceptible areas and deteriorated areas, but also proposing mitigation for the construction of disaster prevention and community Disaster Prevention.


Earthquake TELES Preparedness Mitigation


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