  • 學位論文


An Internationalization Strategies in Southeast Asian Markets for Taiwanese Banks

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇
共同指導教授 : 廖森貴


台灣金融市場小、銀行家數多,銀行業須步出台灣始有更寬廣的生存空間,在金融國際化已蔚為潮流下,台灣的銀行業如何強化自身體質、規劃立足海外策略以尋求永續生存空間,實為當前台灣的銀行業者重要的課題。1994年政府為分散對大陸投資及貿易風險,推動南向政策,積極輔導國內廠商對東南亞地區投資,使台灣企業赴東南亞投資增多由於天然資源豐富、勞力成本低廉且政治環境相對穩定,故頗受台商青睞。東協是由於越來越多台商在這一地區投資以及貿易快速增長,是台灣的銀行業投資的潛在市場。 個案訪問期間是從2013年1月至2014年5月。本研究方法總結、採用個案研究方法,用產業分析及訪談方式來分析銀行業的競爭力。本研究的目的是試圖用個案國際化策略之動機,個案國際化策略之問題,個案國際化策略如何進行,個案國際化策略跟其他銀行差異化何在,個案國際化策略風險重點何在,探討成功的銀行國際化策略,以提供台資銀行未來於海外發展思考之方向。 本文的主要研究結論包括發現台資銀行於東協之發展以台商的企業金融業務為主,較無深入當地市場之策略,但未來發展當地市場是必要性。此外,通過設立代表處或分行,台資銀行業在進入東協市場,以實現強大的區域網絡。銀行業者可有效的利用交叉銷售(cross-selling)來吸引更多該區域的客戶


Taiwan's financial market is quite small, however excessive number of bank. Hence, the banking sector need broaden market out of Taiwan to make a business viable. In order to reducing implicit risk when investing in mainland, the Taiwan government encourage Taiwan enterprises invest in Southeast Asia with more the abundant natural resources, low labor-cost, and a stable political environment. The purpose of this study was to find a motivation of internationalization strategy, the problems may encounter when internationalization, and how to proceed a international strategy in different types of banks. Moreover, the study also aim to analysis the risk of international strategy to provide a better future directions for Taiwan Banks. This study revealed that most of Taiwan banks in ASEAN just attend to Taiwan enterprises which are investing in that area. Hence, it is necessary to develop a multi-domestic strategy to serve a local market in future. In addition, cross-selling is also efficiently utilized to take full the advantages of the customer based the region. Through the establishment of representative offices or branches to enter the ASEAN market, Taiwan banks can achieve a strong regional network.


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