  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Business Strategies between Taiwanese and Western Nations’ Banks in Vietnam

指導教授 : 秦宗春


全球化為當前世界經濟的特點之一,其強調貿易競爭,使各產業所面臨之威脅不再局限於國內,而可能為世界之任一角落,金融產業亦不例外。隨著台灣金融自由化,金融產業之整併、成長,國內市場已逐趨飽和。且許多產業已外移尋求低成本以增強國際競爭力,金融業亦須以擴展國際市場為目標。1994年政府為分散對大陸投資及貿易風險,推動南向政策,積極輔導國內廠商對東南亞地區投資,使我國赴東南亞投資增多,而越南由於天然資源豐富、勞力成本低廉且政治環境相對穩定,故頗受台商青睞,2006年台灣更成為越南外人投資之第一位,亦促成越來越多之銀行前往越南設立分支機構。 由於普遍看好越南市場,除亞洲之銀行外,西方國家之銀行亦群聚於越南。本論文以在越南之台資銀行及西方國家銀行作為研究對象,試圖探討成功的銀行經營策略,藉由研究結果說明經營模式之重要性,以提供台資銀行未來於海外發展思考之方向。結果發現台資銀行於越南之發展以台商的企業金融業務為主,較無深入當地市場之策略。而西方國家之外資銀行,除服務其海外客戶外,且重視藉由投資當地銀行、與當地銀行策略聯盟以加強客戶層面的深度及業務範圍的廣度,較有在當地永續經營的佈局。 台灣金融市場小、銀行家數多,銀行業須步出台灣始有更寬廣的生存空間,在金融國際化已蔚為潮流下,台灣銀行業如何強化自身體質、規劃立足海外策略以尋求永續生存空間,實為當前台灣銀行業者重要的課題。


Globalization is one of the economic characteristics in these days. It indicates that trade competition is not just from domestic market, it can be from any market around the world. The financial sector is no exception. Since 1990s, the financial industry in Taiwan becomes more liberal, after the tremendous growth of banks for many years, the local market is overloaded. Besides, many industries in Taiwan move their factories to other countries in order to reduce production cost. And that help Taiwanese banks establish overseas branches or representative offices to serve their customers and earn more profits. Because of Abundant natural resources, low labor cost and stable political environment, there are a lot of Taiwanese factories move their production sites to Vietnam; and Taiwan ranks highest in Vietnam’s foreign direct investment in 2006. It attracts Taiwanese banks to follow their customers and therefore to establish branches or representative offices in Vietnam. This study tries to study different strategies between Taiwanese banks and western nations’ banks, and find successful business strategies. The findings are that Taiwanese banks focus mostly on trade finance for Taiwanese merchants. But the banks of western nations conduct their businesses for multinational enterprises, Taiwanese enterprises and Vietnamese. The banks of western nations provide all kinds of financial products including trade finance, personal finance, derivatives, foreign exchanges, etc.


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