  • 學位論文


A Study of Anchored Fiber Reinforced Plastics Sheet Pile

指導教授 : 李有豐


國內大多為將金屬材料應用於地工結構,然金屬在岸邊易生鏽、有強度降低及安全性堪慮之虞,為提升地工結構之安全性,以達到保護護岸邊坡以避免遭河水淘刷與土體滑移等目的。本研究採具高強度、質輕、耐候性佳之 纖維強化高分子複合材料(Fiber Reinforced Plastics, FRP)應用於版樁擋土牆,並進行力學試驗與分析。針對FRP版樁實尺寸構件進行三點抗彎實驗,並改變其跨度觀察其勁度之變化,輔以有限元軟體ANSYS分析其受力行為,並將實驗結果回饋至模型中。再針對不同厚度、版樁角度,進行單位面積勁度效益比之探討,提出其最經濟之版樁斷面形式建議。實驗結果發現深跨度18以上之FRP版樁接近尤拉梁(Euler beam)公式,而模型與各跨度分析結果誤差皆在8.5 %以內,故其數值模型具一定準確性;FRP版樁之最佳斷面分析中,在夾角45°、60°、90°等三種角度中以60°之FRP版樁最為經濟,另外在厚度6.35 mm、12.70 mm、與19.05 mm,三者以19.05 mm最為經濟。再將其版樁進行現地環境有限元軟體PLAXIS分析,分別打設FRP、PVC與鋼版裝,據PLAXIS有限元軟體分析結果,可發現三者中勁度最佳之鋼版裝位移量最小、安全係數最大;而PVC版樁勁度最小,其位移量最大、安全係數最小。還將FRP懸臂式版樁與FRP錨碇式版樁做一比較,可發現FRP錨碇式版樁較FRP懸臂式版樁安全係數大1.9以上,有效提升其邊坡護岸之安全性。


Metallic materials are usually used in the geotechnical engineering; however, metallic materials would cause corrosion if they submerge or contact water and sometimes cause the damage of the geotechnical structures. FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastics) composite materials have the merits of light weight, high strength, well-durability and other characteristics. In this study, FRP sheet piles were used to solve the corrosion problem of the geotechnical structures. First, the 3-point bending experiment was performed, and changing the span depth ration to obtain the specimen’s stiffness. Then, using the result of the experiment to feedback the finite element analysis model. In addition, changing the numerical model’s angle and thickness to investigate the stiffness and stiffness over cross section area. Finally, the specimen of 18-span depth ration whose displacement is more approach to Euler’s Beam theory from the experimental observation, and the error of numerical model’s result is less about 8.5 %. It’s prove that the analysis is almost exact. According to the numerical FRP sheet pile model, the 60°-angle FRP sheet pile is most economical betwwen 45°, 60° and 90°. Furthermore, the thickness of the 19.05 mm FRP sheet pile is more economical than the thickness of the 6.35 mm and 12.70 mm FRP sheet piles. Then, three kinds of sheet piles (FRP, PVC and steel) were modeled using Plaxis. We found that the PVC sheet pile has the lowest stiffness which causes its deflection concerns and a very low safety factor. On the other hand, the steel sheet pile enjoys the highest stiffness, lowest deflection and consequently, the largest safety factor. Furthermore, in order to improve the safety of the slope of the embankment, this study compares results of the the cantilever with the anchored FRP sheet pile. According to the results, the safety factor of the anchored FRP sheet pile is higher than cantilever one by 1.9 folds.


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