  • 學位論文


A Study on Competitive Strategy of Taiwan Air-conditioner Manufacturing Company

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇 耿慶瑞


台灣冷氣機產業發展至今約有50年,隨著台灣經濟的發展及國民所得提高,冷氣機在國內市場的普及率已達88%以上,是屬於成熟期產業,依經濟部統計資資料,2012年國內冷氣機銷售量約100萬台,創造的產值約為150億元,是重要的民生工業之一。在國內市場呈現飽和,以及政府的節能政策引導消費者購買較節能的變頻產品,造成市場產品結構的改變;同時因為量販連鎖通路的日益壯大也造成通路結構產生變化。掌握環境變化的趨勢及審視本身的優勢與劣勢,擬定妥適的競爭策略,對台灣冷氣機廠商而言是非常重要的課題。本研究希望藉由深入分析以瞭解台灣冷氣機產業的發展趨勢,並以個案公司為例,探討台灣冷氣機業者在激烈競爭及變動的環境中,應採取何種競爭策略來取得競爭優勢。 本研究以個案研究方法,藉由蒐集產業現況資料來分析產業發展趨勢,並透過深入訪談個案公司具代表性主管及經銷商,彙整資料後以SWOT、 TOWS策略矩陣分析手法,歸納提出競爭策略建議。 研究結論顯示,1. 節能環保是台灣冷氣機產業未來的發展趨勢。產品方面,朝向變頻化及智慧遠端控制發展;通路方面,量販連鎖通路的影響力日益強大。2. 對個案公司競爭策略建議如下 (1) 重視品牌經營,塑造明確的品牌定位,創造品牌價值。 (2) 強化變頻關鍵技術及產品差異化策略。 (3) 以策略聯盟或購併方式加速多角化經營的廣度及深度。 (4) 借力使力取得成本優勢,加入研發能量,提高產品競爭力。


The air conditioner industry in Taiwan has developed over around 50 years. As Taiwan economic development and GDP increased the penetration rate of air conditioners in the domestic market has reached 88% above that is catalogued into mature stage in air conditioner industry. According to Ministry of Economic Statistics website data 100 million units of the annual domestic air conditioner sales were created with the output value of 15 billion in 2012. It is one of the important people’s livelihood industries. As the domestic market is saturated based on government saving and environmental protection policy guidance the air conditioner products to be developed toward the higher technical level of inverter model development. The channel structural change and increasingly higher degree of concentration and other variables that has resulted into fierce competitions of the market share and confronted severe challenges of survival and growth. This study is to do a research of the Taiwan air conditioner industry in the fierce competitive environment how to develop competitive strategies in order to gain competitive advantages. This study uses the case study method. Through data collection of air conditioner industry and analysis of the case study combined with the depth interviews with SWOT and TOWS matrix theoretical analysis it’s summarized to suggest the company's future competitive strategies。 Our result are described as below: 1. Energy saving and environmentally friendly products are the future trends in Taiwan air conditioners industry. Inverter control and wisdom remote monitoring technology are product mainstream; the influence of hypermarkets and chain stores are increasingly. 2. The competitive strategy recommendations are as follows (1) Emphasis on brand management, create a clear brand positioning and value. (2) Focus on establishing the own core inverter-control technology and according Taiwan's unique climatic conditions and consumer needs to develop a differentiation of products with unique selling points. (3) By way of strategic alliances or acquisitions to accelerate the diversification of the breadth and depth. (4) Leveraging the cooperation strategies to obtain cost advantages, and the use of research and development capacity to increase product values.


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