  • 學位論文

台灣家用冷氣機產業 因應貿易自由化與政府法規政策經營策略之探討

The business strategy of home air-conditioner industry in Taiwan in response to free trade policies and government regulations

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


現今台灣家用冷氣機市場可謂處於戰國時代,除未來面對大陸產品可能低價傾銷,使得產業競爭激烈,利潤減少,經營日益艱困外,同時也要面對政府持續提高產品節能規範,這一切大環境的轉變,使得台灣本土冷氣製造廠商面臨前所未有的重大考驗,若對應不慎,重者恐會遭遇淘汰的命運。 台灣本土廠商面臨此嚴峻考驗,其因應經營策略為何?何者值得借鏡,何者值得改善,本研究藉由各種資料蒐集與分析探討後,建議本土品牌業者為因應市場與政府法規發展趨勢,需加速把產品發展重心由傳統定頻冷氣機移到變頻式冷氣機,並積極在產品面創造出一個可以讓消費者感動的差異化特點作為廣宣訴求,藉此強化消費者對品牌記憶,另一方面調整資源來加強以激勵變頻冷氣機銷售為主之銷售策略,其中包含適度調整通路策略來強化傳統電器店(行)經營,增加媒體曝光來加強化品牌能見度等,藉由重新審內部組織資源與外在環境,調整營運策略來因應與面對未來快速多變的產業環境。


The air conditioner market in Taiwan is highly competitive. This industry is not only confronted with low-profit margins caused by price competition from mainland manufactures, but also faced with the challenge of high material costs as a result of complying with Taiwan’s high energy saving standards. These challenges will lead local manufacturers to the fate of elimination in this market should they undertake wrong measures and strategies. In this severe situation, what are the business strategies of Taiwanese local air-conditioner manufacturers? What are key lessons and what can local manufacturers learn from each other needs to be further examined; therefore, this research investigates current best practices in the industry. This research suggests that local companies need to fasten their pace in switching the development focus from fix-frequency air conditioners to inverter air conditioners, in order to adjust themselves to the market changes and new regulations. Local companies also need to create their own value proposition to strengthen the brand impression on consumers. Moreover, strengthening the market positioning of inverter air conditioners, while increasing media exposure will enhance brand visibility and the overall sales strategy. Essentially, there is a need to re-structure internal resources, re-position marketing and sales strategies under current challenges in this rapidly changing environment.


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