  • 學位論文


A Feasibility Study of the Private Sector’s Participation in Constructing the Elder Health Care Center— the Chung Shin Senior Care House in Yong Ho City, Taipei County as the Example

指導教授 : 宋立垚


隨著我國人口結構正快速進入老年化之社會,政府與民間共同迫切面臨高齡化社會的嚴峻挑戰;現今政府積極鼓勵民間投資公共建設,可透過民間參與理念和安養機構建設之結合,達到減輕政府財政負擔及兼顧老年人尊嚴,創造更具前瞻性之政策。因此本研究目的是因應高齡化社會的的發展趨勢,瞭解民間投資安養機構建設可能面臨的相關課題,故從政府、業主、民眾三贏目標的立場,尋找目前安養機構建設課題並提出未來永和市中興安養堂具體的民間參與安養機構建設策略與模式,為當地中低收入老年人勾勒出社區安養、老有所終的新願景,以作為當地民眾及公部門往後推動民間參與安養機構建設策略之參考基礎。本研究使用文獻法分析相關計畫及背景資料,並利用觀察法針對當地現況做觀察,透過永和市安養堂的案例可行性研究發現,本基地具安養性質的區域獨特性,更增加以BOT模式建設中興安養堂之可行性。 本研究結論發現:(1)將目前老人安養機構空間型態歸納出1.環境型態、2. 外部空間型態、3.建築型態、4.公寓型態作為日後法令修正及管理評鑑之參考。(2) 從民間參與永和市中興安養堂公共設施建設是可行的。(3) 在策略發展上鄉鎮市公所必須透過縣級單位委託辦理民間參與公共建設才能有所成效。 (4) 透過民間參與模式能整合家庭、機構、團體及政府的力量,為老人提供完善的安養的福利服務措施,以補充家庭功能之不足,增進老人福祉,與公部門更新老舊安養機構之參考。


The construction and the management of public senior care facilities are facing great challenges in an aging society in Taiwan. To alleviate the public financial burdens, the Taiwanese government encourages the private sector to participate in public construction projects. With the private sector's participation in building and managing public senior care facilities, the qualities of public senior care and welfare policies gain synergistic improvements. This thesis discusses the current issues of the private sector's participation in building and managing public senior care facilities in Taiwan, and proposes operational strategies and management models that are beneficial for both the public and the private sectors for the proposed Chung Shin Senior Care House in Yong He City. The research methodologies include literature analysis and field studies. The findings of this thesis are: (1) Four space utilization patterns of the existing senior resident welfare facilities which are: (a) the environmental interaction pattern; (b) the external transition space pattern; (c) the institution pattern; and (d) the affiliated institution pattern. (2) With the unique regional characteristics of the proposed site, the private sector's participation in building and managing the Chung Shin Senior Care House is feasible. (3) In the private sector's participation in building and managing public senior care facilities the effectiveness of the strategy development process relies on the cooperation between the local government and the county government. (4) The private sector's participation in building and managing public senior care facilities synergizes the integration of the powers of families, public and private sectors, and also improves the qualities of both senior citizen welfare and the renovation plans for the existing senior resident nursing facilities.


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[8] 行政院公共工程委員會,民間參與公共建設參考案例(一),行政院公共工程委員會,2003。


