  • 學位論文


The possibility study for transfer the islands’trash back to Taiwan from-Using Kinmen County as example

指導教授 : 陳孝行


環保署推動垃圾零廢棄政策,96年以後垃圾將不進掩埋場,即不再興建掩埋場,轉而推動金門縣垃圾轉運台灣焚化處理。本研究藉由文獻蒐集,比較國內外目前離島垃圾轉運案例及轉運方式間之差異、優缺點,並由深入訪談,了解金門縣各機關推動垃圾轉運的意願及共識,以個案分析探討垃圾轉運之陸運及海運交通狀況、垃圾轉運站設場址、轉運地點、轉運方式及成本等,也透過SWOT分析評估,了解金門縣垃圾轉運政策之利弊、優劣勢及政策推動之機會與威脅,最後經綜合評估金門縣垃圾轉運至台灣焚化處理之可行性。 本研究發現推動垃圾轉運台灣本島焚化處理,就經濟面採用掩埋方式處理每噸垃圾掩理處理費用約計新台幣4,598元,而垃圾轉運台灣焚化處理以太空包+開天式貨櫃裝櫃轉運方式辦理,每公頓垃圾轉運費約新台幣4,213元,因此,金門縣垃圾轉運台灣本島焚化處理較在地掩埋成本低;而政策面經深入訪談發現,各相關業務主管、各鄉鎮公所環保課長或清潔隊隊長、掩埋場清潔隊隊員及金門縣船運業者對垃圾轉運政策非常贊成。另根據SWOT 分析顯示推動金門縣垃圾轉運政策是利多於弊,就內部環境評估而言,其優勢條件較劣勢多,在外部環境評估部分,有利於政策推動之機會也較外在威脅來的多;另技術面目前國內已有屏東縣琉球鄉、連江縣、澎湖縣等案例可循,均有此經驗,且太空包+開天式貨櫃裝櫃轉運方式不需較高技術,而此種垃圾轉運方式應可以有效運,此外環境面以太空包+開天式貨櫃裝櫃轉運方式,可預防臭味及污水滲漏等二次污染問題,且就金門縣長期發展而言,以掩埋方式處理垃圾是較不利於生態環境的;另垃圾轉運前處理之二次分類可提高資源回收率,並可延長掩埋場50倍的使用年限。 因此,推動金門縣垃圾轉運至台灣本島焚化處理就經濟面、政策面、技術面、環境面皆對金門縣垃圾處理有正面性效益,此政策是可行的,對環境永續發展是一大助力,也能減少金門縣未來發生垃圾危機。


The Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan is currently pushing a zero garbage policy. To drive this policy, the garbage was prohibited to treat by the landfill since 2007, meaning landfill cannot be built and the trash in the Kinmen County should be transferred back and incinerated in Taiwan. This study collected the document to compare the differences for transferring the trash to find out the advantage and disadvantages for the policies between mainland Taiwan and worldwide. Comprehensive interviews were used to realize the consensus of every department in Kinmen County by case study to discuss trash transfer traffic by land and sea transportation, the location for trash transfer station, and the transfer method and cost. The SWOT analysis and evaluation were used to understand the advantages for the trash transfer policy, the opportunity and pressure for pushing the policy in Kinmen County. Finally, the possibility was evaluated to transfer the Kinmen’s trash back and incinerated in Taiwan. In this study, the cost is determined as NT 4,598 every tone to transfer the trash back and incinerated in Taiwan. If the trash is packed in space bag method and transferred by openning cover container, the cost is NT 4,213 every tone. So the cost is lower to transfer the trash back and incinerated in Taiwan than to bury the trash in local. Besides, the relative department head, the town hall and environmental section chief, clean team captain, landfill clean team and shipping company in Kinmen all agree with the trash transfer policy. According the SWOT analysis, there are more advantages than the disadvantages. For the environment evaluation, it’s good to push the policy. For technology analysis, there are many cases and experiences in Ping Tung’s Ruy Kyu township, Lian Jiang county and Peng Hu county to prove technology not required for space bag package method. It is more effective and can prevent from the second pollution from fume and sewage leaks. For longer development of Kinmen County, it is damage to the environment to bury the trash. In addition, the waste sorting before the trash transfer will increase the resource recovery and extend the landfill lifetime 50 times. It is positive for Kinmen county’s trash to transfer back and incinerated in Taiwan in economic, policy, technology and environment sides. So the policy is feasible and helpful for development in environment and reduces the opportunity of garbage crisis in Kinmen County.


[7] 香港行政特區環境保護署,香港綜合廢物管理設施選址報告,2008,第1-4頁。
[13] 行政院環境保護署,中華民國96年12月環保政策月刊,2007,第1-2 頁。
[22] 行政院環境保護署,環保署環境保護統計年報, 2005,第2-92至2-95頁。
[23] 行政院環境保護署,環保署環境保護統計年報, 2006,第2-92至2-95頁。
[24] 行政院環境保護署,環保署環境保護統計年報, 2007,第2-96至2-99頁。


