  • 學位論文


A Study on Inspection and Management of Recycling and Recovery for Industrial Wastes

指導教授 : 章裕民


本研究採用整體質量平衡法(Overall Mass Balance, OMB)與統計學之算術平均分析(Arithmetic Analysis)與迴歸分析(Regression Analysis)方法推求各行業製程之本土化之再利用事業廢棄物其再利用率(Reuse Ratio)和事業廢棄物產出因子(Discharge Factor, DF),同時採用整體質量平衡法與物質流分析(Material Flow Analysis, MFA)探討物質流分析應用於再利用率及產出因子之可行性,期望能將已建立之再利用率及DF實際應用於查核管制上,作為稽查人員預先查核業者廢棄物申報資料與現場查核之工具,以有效達到事業廢棄物管理目標。 針對2種再利用事業廢棄物推估9個製程共計推估9個再利用率及28個廢棄物產出因子。由研究結果發現『漿紙污泥』(R-0904)廢棄物之再利用為鍋爐蒸汽產生程序方面,可得到平均再利用率約在96.57%上下;水泥製造程序約在96.91%上下;其它非金屬礦物製品製造業製造程序約在97.75%上下;紙板製造程序約在96.47%上下;廢棄物堆肥處理程序約在99.69%上下等,電弧爐煉鋼爐碴(石)(R-1203)廢棄物之再利用為粒料級配之製造程序方面,其平均再利用率約在99.40%上下。另外本研究推估之DF比對實場申報查核結果,其推估20項廢棄物DF中,誤差值小於5%占總查核的62%,其次為誤差值介於20%至30%之間佔總查核DF的19%,顯示本研究所提的方法對於事業廢棄物之管理有實質的意義,可有效掌握廢棄物的質與量,實為查核管制工作上之一大助益。 二種再利用事業廢棄物(漿紙污泥、電弧爐煉鋼爐碴(石))及二種事業廢棄物(積體電路製造業、紙張製造業)於製程中所衍伸的廢棄物中可能含有微量有害物質(重金屬、鹵素物),因應歐盟環保法規規範的過程,期能供國內產業廢棄物之查核與管制,提供有意義的策略建言。


This study adopts Material Flow Analysis(MFA) with arithmetic analysis and regression analysis to estimate the reuse ratio and discharge Factor(DF)of industrial wastes. Overall Mass Balance(OMB)was also applied for discussing an application of material flow analysis on discharge factor and ratio of industrial wastes reused. It is mainly to treat practicability of material flow analysis on reuse ratio and discharge factor. Planning on surveillance was also conducted with the reuse ratio data and discharge factor. It provides a tool to estimate the quantities of industry wastes onsite in advance to promote the industrial wastes management filled with ambition more effectively. It was found that there are two kinds of reuse industrial wastes for 9 processes investigated in this work. This work has carried out total estimated 9 reuse ratio and 28 waste discharge factors. The reuse ratio of the R-0904 waste was found 96.57% in the average for application of the recovery as steam boile, 96.91% recovery as cement, 97.75% recovery as a non-metallic mineral products, 96.47% recovery as a cardboard, 99.69% recovery as a compost, etc. Another the reuse ratio of the R-1203 waste was found 99.40% as a graded aggregates. On the other hand the study carried out estimated 20 waste DF, the error is less than 5% of the total check of 62%, followed by the error between 20-30% of DF among 19% of the total check, which shows that the proposed methods for industrial waste management has real meaning, which can effectively control the quality and quantity of waste. In summary, the study found effective waste management would ofler great benefit of surveillance and management in practical situation. Two kinds of reuse of industrial wastes (pulp sludge, electric arc furnace slag) and two kinds of industrial wastes (integrated circuit manufacturing, paper manufacturing) in the process of working that derivates other wastes which may contain traces of harmful substances (heavy metals, halogen materials), The process of responding to EU environmental norms, provides meaningful suggestions for inspection and management of domestic industrial wastes in Taiwan.


[33]行政院環境保護署,事業廢棄物建置基線資料與流向管制計畫期中報告, 2006。


