  • 學位論文


Research on Strategic Investment over Shanghai’s Creative Industries for Taiwanese Enterprise- The Case Study of Art Gallery

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


創意產業為全球第四波經濟的驅動力。中國大陸在吸收此概念後,從十五到十二五規劃分別提出相關政策引導發展,因此產生不少各具特色的創意產業集聚區。中國在短短的幾年內超越歐美,成為全球藝術市場的中心,使上海地區藝術產業快速發展,畫廊作為藝術家經紀人屬於高端創意產業,促使畫廊在上海地區成為蓬勃發展的新興產業,吸引臺商陸續到上海設立據點,期望能夠在這個國際藝術市場中佔有一席之地。 臺商畫廊本身擁有語言、文化背景相似、豐富的畫廊經營經驗、藝術品與收藏家人脈豐沛資源,作為西進大陸的優勢。然而,西進不僅須面對上海本土畫廊,也需要面臨世界各大畫廊的全球性競爭。因此,臺商畫廊赴上海發展須面臨的諸多困境值得探討。 本研究藉由文獻回顧、個案分析與深入訪談法,探討臺商畫廊赴上海發展所面臨的經營困境,並從「法令政策」、「社會文化」、「經營管理」、「產業發展」四個層面歸納出相關議題並研擬經營對策,供未來赴海外發展之臺商畫廊參考。


Creative industries are the fourth potential business strategy globally. Upon realizing the important of such circumstances China had make appropriate agenda over both (10.5-12.5) general nation-progressive`s meeting, with China physical and encouragement, many relative trade and industry spur out blossomly . In recent years, Shanghai has successfully took over the lime light of being the leading role of art-trading market of most Western Europe countries, the rapid growth of Shanghai in being the center stage of promoting art influential and trading has drawn the attention globally;In flavour with related agents and side walk products, Shanghai are strategically and geologically situated to perform at her very best. Thus, many related Taiwanese`s business had took opportunity to venture or merge themselves with this young raising and trendy trades. In my recent researches many had involved or even station themselves to have a part of the cake. Taiwanese’s Art Gallery has its own language, similar cultural background, the extensive gallery experience, artwork and collector contacts, become advantage for into China. However, the west must not only face the Shanghai local galleries, but also need to face the world's major galleries of the global competition. Therefore, the development of Taiwanese’s art gallery in Shanghai facing many difficulties to be worth exploring. The research is based upon the relevant literature, case studies and in-depth interviews to explore the development of Taiwanese’s art gallery in Shanghai facing operate difficulties, and from the "Law policy", "Social culture", "Management" and "Industrial development" four summarized level management related issues and to develop countermeasures for future development of overseas Taiwanese’s art gallery for reference.


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