  • 學位論文


Design of RF CMOS Power Amplifier for Wireless Sensor Network

指導教授 : 黃榮堂 施勝雄


在無線感測網路中,系統發射功率是可以與輸入功率相提並論的。而線性功率放大器不需要像開關式功率放大器那樣大的驅動功率,因此很適合無線感測網路系統。 本論文提出一適合應用於無線感測網路之AB類的功率放大器。在此系統中為了使感測節點電池壽命提高,因此功率放大器須具有高效率特色。該功率放大器是以TSMC 0.18μm 1P6M CMOS製程實現,工作電壓為1.0V。量測結果顯示當系統操作在2.4GHz下,輸入功率為-10dBm時,輸出功率為2.4 dBm,PAE為13.5%。量測得到最大增益為12.4dB且最大PAE為16%。 由於工作電壓不夠大,輸出擺幅被限制,因此為了改善此電路效率,提出一改善設計並操作於1.2V,模擬結果顯示在相同輸入功率下,輸出功率為8dBm,PAE可達到30%。


In a wireless sensor network system, the transmit power is comparable to the input power. Linear power amplifiers, which require lower drive power as compared to its switching counterparts, now become a viable candidate. This thesis presents a 2.4 GHz Class AB power amplifier suitable for wireless sensor network applications. To enlarge the battery life of sensor node in this system, power amplifier is designed for high efficiency. The power amplifier was fabricated in TSMC 0.18μm 1P6M process. When operating from a 1.0 V supply, the PA delivers an output power of 2.4dBm with a PAE of 13.5 %. Measurement results show a maximum PAE of 16 % and a maximum gain of 12.4 dB. The output swing is limited with lower supply voltage. To improve the efficiency, we modify the circuit topology and the supply voltage is 1.2V. The simulation result shows the output power is 8dBm with the same input power. The PAE can achieve 30%.


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