  • 學位論文


A Study on Motivation Mechanisms in Virtual Community for Vocational High School Mathematics Remedial Class

指導教授 : 蔡銘修


高中職重補修班的開設,是供學生重新修習某學期成績不及格之科目,或使轉學、轉部、轉科的學生補足其不足的學分數。但重補修班常利用課餘時間上課,且時數有限,故本研究試圖建置適用於高職數學重補修班教學之虛擬社群,以期達成以下三項研究目的: 一、透過網路科技,建置輔助高職數學重補修班教學之虛擬社群。 二、探討虛擬社群激勵機制輔助高職數學重補修班教學後,對學生數學學習成就的影響。 三、探討虛擬社群激勵機制輔助高職數學重補修班教學後,對學生數學學習態度的影響。   本研究係以臺北市某高職兩班數學重補修班的學生為研究對象,採準實驗研究法,將兩班逕分為實驗組與控制組。其中實驗組將使用研究者建置的虛擬社群,以「上課時間實施傳統講述式教學,課餘時間上網做有獎勵的練習」進行實驗;而控制組上課時亦實施相同的講述式教學,課餘時間則以紙本練習、繳交作業為主。經實驗及前後測的結果,期望能得知兩組學生的學習是否有顯著差異。   本研究獲致以下結論: 一、建置虛擬社群輔助重補修班教學時,應留意社群規範及活動參與熱絡程度等問題。 二、針對建置虛擬社群的問題,應與學生做好實質溝通、兼顧激勵與約束,以及積極宣傳活動。 三、實驗組與控制組之數學學習成就後測成績均顯著高於前測成績,但經過共變數分析排除前測成績之影響後,兩組的數學學習成就後測成績並無顯著差異。 四、實驗組與控制組之數學學習態度後測成績均顯著高於前測成績,但經過共變數分析排除前測成績之影響後,兩組的數學學習態度後測成績並無顯著差異。


The aim of high school remedial classes is for students to re-attend failed courses, or for transfer students to make up for required units. But students of the remedial classes have to attend class in their spare time, and the courses only last few teaching hours. Therefore, this study was to try to build a virtual community suitable for the teaching of mathematics remedial classes in vocational high school, and expected to achieve the following three research purposes. 1. To build a virtual community to assist the teaching of mathematics remedial classes in vocational high school through the use of internet technology. 2. To understand the influence of the teaching assisted with motivation mechanisms in the virtual community on students’ mathematical learning achievement. 3. To understand the influence of the teaching assisted with motivation mechanisms in the virtual community on students’ mathematical learning attitude.  This was a quasi-experimental study of students in two mathematics remedial classes from one of the vocational high schools in Taipei City. One class was assigned as the experimental group and was asked to use the virtual community online in students’ free time, and the other was the controlled group receiving tradional mathematics instruction with blackboard.  The results were as follows: 1. When building the virtual community to assist the teaching in mathematics remedial classes in vocational high school, teachers should pay attention to the rules in the virtual community and students’ participation. 2. Teachers should discuss the plan of the virtual community with students face to face, and the rules of incentives and constraints. 3. The mathematical learning achievement post-test scores of both the controlled and the experimental group were significantly higher than the pre-test scores. However, the ANCOVA results show that there was no significant difference in the post-test scores between the controlled and the experimental group. 4. The mathematical learning attitudes post-test scores of both the controlled and the experimental group were significantly higher than the pre-test scores. The ANCOVA results indicated that there was no significant difference in post-test scores between the controlled and the experimental group.


