  • 學位論文


Online Experiences Impact on Online Word of Mouth Intention: The Emotions as Mediators

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇


網路行銷方興未艾,但如何提供網路使用者一個美好及印象深刻的體驗仍是有許多值得去探討的空間,而這其中的關鍵因素與價值所在則為本研究欲探究的部分,因此,本研究以網路體驗為核心,分別以感官體驗、情感體驗、交互體驗及信任體驗等四種體驗要素,探討其對情緒和網路口碑意圖之影響,並以正負面情緒作為研究架構中的中介變數,以期探究瀏覽者在網路體驗、網路口碑意圖及情緒三者之間的關係。 本研究以隨機抽樣方式請網路受試者在瀏覽本研究所選定之標的網站,分別為A房屋網站、B婚紗網站及C服飾網站後,再依其知覺感受進行量表的填答,總共取得713份問卷,有效問卷655份(91.9% );結果顯示,此三種不同業別之標的網站,網路體驗要素與情緒皆對網路口碑意圖產生顯著影響,而部分網路體驗要素對情緒亦產生顯著影響,此外,情緒在網路體驗對網路口碑意圖關係間是具有中介效果的。


This study focuses on online experiences, and sorts it into four elements: sensory experiences, interactive experiences, affective experiences, and trustful experiences. In addition, this study also examines the relationship of four online experiential elements on online WOM intention and mediating effects of emotions on the relationships between online experiences and online WOM intention. We used random sampling approach and the survey was conducted of internet users who were asked to randomly visit theses three web site, including housing website, wedding garment website, and fashion website before filling out the questionnaires. Of the 713 collected questionnaires, 655 were returned usable for a response rate of 91.9 percent. The results suggest that four online experiential elements and emotions all have significant effects on online WOM intention. Besides, parts of online experiential elements have significant effects on emotions. However, emotions also mediate the relationships between online experience and online WOM intention.


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