  • 學位論文


Application of Ultrasound in the Diagnosis and Treatment for Fat Distribution

指導教授 : 莊賀喬
共同指導教授 : 廖愛禾(Ai-Ho Liao)


第一部分 超音波結合益生菌對於肥胖症小鼠治療之研究 脂多糖(LPS)引起的慢性發炎可誘發肥胖。在動物實驗中,益生菌可以改變腸道菌相抑制肥胖,控制慢性發炎反應,亦會影響相關基因的表現。在先前的研究文獻中,高脂飲食(HFD)誘導的肥胖大鼠由於攝取益生菌抑制了副交感神經的活性。本研究利用益生菌結合超音波對高脂飲食誘導的肥胖小鼠進行8週以上的控制體重和脂肪貯積的評估。將C57BL/6J雄鼠於治療期間隨機分為四組:(1)對照組(H)、(2)只服用益生菌(HB)、(3)只施打超音波(HU)、(4)益生菌結合超音波(HUB)。量測體重與體內微電腦斷層掃描的身體總脂肪量的變化,利用血清和組織病理切片來證實治療的效果。在第8週,與HU組(26.63±0.96%)和H組(32.62±5.03%)相比,HUB組(15.56±1.18%)體重下降最為顯著(p<0.05)。從微電腦斷層掃描的總脂肪減少量顯示,HUB組(69%)比起其他組別(HB:52%,HU:37%) 效果最為顯著(p<0.05)。除了附睾脂肪墊,皮下脂肪的減少在HUB組(340 μm)最顯著,與H組(1150 μm)、HB組(1060 μm)和H組(370 μm)相比,均有顯著性差異(p<0.05)。高脂飲食的小鼠進行8週實驗,結合益生菌和超音波可以加強減少體重、整體與局部的脂肪沉積的消除、脂肪細胞大小與血脂的降低。 第二部分 三維超音波局部脂肪墊成像用於全身體脂肪評估 本研究利用動物實驗評估全身體脂肪,其驗證的方法為應用超音波影像系統針對小鼠腹部脂肪墊進行量測,量測項目包含小鼠脂肪墊體積與厚度的測量以及三維影像的重建。本系統利用MATLAB程式整合影像處理,達到測量的目的。透過超音波影像系統擷取影像後,利用型態濾波器將原始影像分割成二值化影像,再計算量化結果和樣本比對的方法完成量測。本研究所提出的量測系統具有(1)非侵入式量測、(2)量測時間短、(3)準確度高等特性,對於脂肪評估有自動偵測的效果,減少人為操作所造成的誤差,以及達到自動判讀的量測目的。在進行動物實驗之前,先藉由石墨仿體模擬影像處理流程的方式去進行實驗。實驗結果測得實際與超音波量測體積之間的誤差為-0.4%,以上述之方法能夠達到快速判讀資料的目的。


Part 1 Combining Ultrasound and Probiotics Treatment for High Fat Diet Induced Obesity Mice Chronic systemic inflammation, caused by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), can induce obesity. In animal experiments, Lactobacillus can inhibit obesity which modifies gut microbiota, controls inflammation and affects the associated gene expression. In previous study in the literature, high fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity was suppressed by Lactobacillus ingestion in rats due to the inhibition of the parasympathetic nerve activity. The present study evaluated the combined use of Lactobacillus and ultrasound (US) to control body weight and body fat deposition in HFD mice over an 8-week experimental period. C57BL male mice were received HFD during treatment and randomly divided into four groups: (1) control group (H); (2) Lactobacillus alone (HB); (3) US alone (HU); (4) Lactobacillus combines with US (HUB). The changes of body weight were measured and the changes of total body fat volume were derived from in vivo microCT. Serum and histopathology were performed to clarify the effects of the combination treatment. At the 8th week, body weight was decreased significantly in the HUB (15.56±1.18%) group compared to the HU (26.63±0.96%) and H (32.62±5.03%) groups (p<0.05). The total body fat volume from microCT scan shows that the reductions in HUB group (69%) is more significant than other groups (HB: 52%, HU: 37%) (p<0.05). Instead of the epididymal fat pad, the reductions of subcutaneous fat were significant in the HUB (340 μm) than in the H (1150 μm), HB (1060 μm) and H (370 μm) groups (all p<0.05). Combination therapy with Lactobacillus and US can enhance the reduction of body weight, whole and local body fat deposition, adipocyte size and plasma lipid levels in HFD mice for 8 weeks experiments. Part 2 Assessment of Whole Body Fat Composition in Mice using 3D Local Fat Pad Ultrasound Imaging In this study, the whole body fat distribution was evaluated by high frequency ultrasound(US)imaging in animal experiments. An automatic, 3D fat detection method in US images were evaluated by MATLAB software. The property of the method is non-invasive, short measuring time and high accuracy. The measurement items include the measurement of fat pad volume, thickness, and 3D image reconstruction in phantom and mice. After capturing images by US imaging, the morphological filter was used to make original images into the binary images, and then calculate the quantitative results with pattern matching method to complete the measurement. Before the animal testing in progress, the graphite phantom approach to the experiment simulated was used to evaluate the efficiency of the imaging process method. The deviation of the experimental results between this method and actual value was about -0.4%. The method is possible to achieve rapid data processing for body fat distribution.


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