  • 學位論文


A Study of Innovation Design of mobile Phones in Relation to Subcultural Groups

指導教授 : 陳文印


在現今具有多樣性的文化潮流與消費經濟轉型的趨勢之下,伴隨著不同型態與價值觀的次文化進而產生。在此潮流中,如何設計出貼近消費者生活型態的產品成為一個重要的課題。 次文化族群擁有許多特質,它們是如何影響消費者在購買時產生決策?將其特徵擷取出來,並運用到手機產品創新設計上,則是本篇研究所探討的。本研究以問卷調查的方式,經由集群分析(hierarchical cluster analysis)將消費者分出不同的次文化生活型態族群,以便依其生活型態特徵來命名。單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)則是為檢定各次文化族群對產品特性的顯著性差異,以用來擬定適合各族群的產品設計策略。除此外,在經由比較生活型態變數(lifestyle variable)與人口統計變數(demographic variable)所得出產品特性之顯著性差異後,發現生活型態變數比人口統計變數更能掌握次文化族群的差異性、不同的需求、以及喜好,以作為擬定產品設計策略之依據。 本研究主要成果為:1.次文化生活型態族群的萃取及命名。2.擬定各次文化生活型態族群之手機設計策略。3.生活型態變數比人口統計變數對產品設計有更多的影響層面。


次文化 生活型態 創新設計 手機


Multiculturalism has become an important trend within today’s society. This type of trend often changes because consumers have different economical bases and lifestyles. Therefore, the way we design a product that better fits the consumers’ lifestyles and economical bases becomes an important task. The subcultural groups have many attributions. How do they affect consumers’ buying activities? How shoule we extract their unique behaviors and values and apply them in the design of mobile phones is what we will discuss in this thesis. This research is based on a questionnaire ascertainment by using hierarchical cluster analysis to categorize consumers into different subculture groups. These groups are then given specific names by their distinguished lifetyles and use the one-way ANOVA to inspect and approve the differences between different levels of culture groups to the products’ characteristics to draw a decision on the product designing strategies. In addition, after using lifestyle variables and population demographic variables in serach of product differences verses comsumers's choices, we have learned that applying lifestyle variables in this research is a better way to understand the differences between these subcultural groups, their needs and likings.Therefore, we use the results of lifestyle variables as our main principal of product designing strategies. The main outcomes of this research are: 1. To abstract and name the subculture groups. 2. To draw mobile phone designing strategies for different subcultural groups based on their lifestyles. 3. To learn that knowing lifestyle variables are key factors in the area of successfully designing products in comparison to using demographic variables for palnning strategies.


subculture lifestyle innovation design mobile phone


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