  • 學位論文


An Evaluation of Sustainable Resource Recycling: Case-study on the ESTPs of Kaohsiung.

指導教授 : 張添晉


工業生態學被譽為「永續科學」,致力於永續發展之研究與實踐,其內含為模仿生態系統,形成產業共生與減少資源消耗。台灣朝此趨勢並於全台設置四個環保科技園區,追求經濟、環境、社會三贏之局面。 本研究旨在對物質循環再利用之潛勢,提出一可行之解決辦法,提供決策者評估與管理工具選擇應用之參考以提昇園區營運績效。本研究建議採用物質流分散性分析於該園區,利用熱力學熵值的原理檢視目前高雄環保科技園區物質利用現況。 藉由園區內外物質交換,互相提供所需之物質方式,將會吸引更多廠商加入,當更多廠商進入此供應策略時,能吸引更多的廠商加入園區。應用統計熵值分析方法,結果顯示廢光碟回收系統中系統分散性為-0.668,表示整個系統中藉由回收過程而有良好之物質使用。螺絲表面處理系統中系統分散性為1.941,表示整個系統中藉由回收過程有物質發散之趨勢,無法永續利用。整體而言當回收程度或是再利用增加時能趨緩物質的消耗,但仍無法逆轉物質趨於消耗的趨向。因此為追求物質能永續利用,選擇能減緩整體系統物質發散趨向之規劃,為朝向永續發展之終南捷徑。


Industrial ecology has been described as the “science of sustainability” and the field attempts to understand the potential for environmental improvement in industry using an analogy of industrial systems to natural ecological system. The Environmental Protection Administration, R.O.C, is planning to build fore Environmental Science and Technology Park(ESTPs) in Taiwan. This represents the “win-win-win” outcome often proposed for sustainable development-not only do participating firms benefit financially, but also there are broader societal gains in the form of reduced environmental impacts and improved jobs and working conditions. Some literature, however, has developed suggesting that some barriers of eco-industrial park needed to be overcome. This paper is intended to contribute to these critiques by focusing on the key problems and dilemmas that arise in the course of developing eco-industrial park in Taiwan. The method applied is statistical entropy, which quantifies the distribution pattern of a substance caused by a system. The entropy approach improves our understanding of industrial metabolism and is a useful decision support and design tool. The strategic attract companies joined in the field by supplying material exchange. The results shows that CD/DVD recycle system’s RSE is -0.668, and it means efficiency of material use is convergence. The surface of screw treatment system’s RSE is 1.94, and it means efficiency of material use is dissipated. The relevance shows that even a more optimized waste management system with higher recycling efficiency could not prevent dissipated condition, but still can decreased. Therefore, entropy approach improves our understanding of industrial metabolism since a scheme adopted that take whole systems consider can improve the use of material.


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