  • 學位論文


The Application of RFID Technology in Secret Document Management

指導教授 : 黃有評


無線射頻辨識技術已被大量應用在各種領域,以取代傳統的條碼辨識技術。在圖書管理與文件管理上,應用無線射頻辨識技術將可大幅提升整體的運作效率。現行的無線射頻辨識技術文件管理系統,是透過辨識黏貼於文件封面或封底的標籤來進行管理,並無法確認文件的完整性。在實際應用上常會發生文件已確實歸還,但文件部分內容卻發生遺失或損毀的情況,造成後續使用者取閱該份文件上的困擾。此問題若發生在機密文件上,不只造成下個使用著的困擾,更極可能造成機密資訊的外流。現行作法是搭配人工檢核方式來解決此問題,但需耗費較高的人力成本。 本論文將開發一套機密文件的管理系統雛,把現行高頻無線射頻辨識技術的文件管理系統整合至超高頻無線射頻辨識技術。使用者可透過本系統來借閱與歸還文件。當使用者從櫃架上拿取任何文件,本系統可以在極短的時間內(約1秒)得知使用者借閱的文件資訊並完成借閱。在歸還文件時,可在短時間內自動確認文件的完整性,並確認使用者是否有確實將文件放置回櫃架內完成歸還動作。本系統可簡化文件的借還流程,減少人力負擔,並提升文件的安全性。實驗結果顯示,在理想的情況下本系統可達到接近100%的借還正確率。


Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has been widely applied to various fields. RFID is proposed to replace barcode system in library management and document management to improve the efficiency. Current RFID document management system can be applied to identify the RFID tag attached on the document to manage the document. But there is no guarantee to secure the completeness of document. In case a user returned a document with some missing pages, this will bother the succeeding users to borrow the same document. If it is a secret document, this will result in a serious problem. The completeness of returned document can be manually checked but it normally costs money and time to do so. This study develops a RFID secret document management system. It integrates the existing HF RFID document management system with UHF RFID technology. Once a user accesses any document from the shelf, the proposed system can detect what item has been taken away from the shelf in about 1s and process the borrowing procedures. The system can also check the completeness of a returned document in a short time before it is to be put back to the shelf. The proposed system has the merits of simplifying borrowing and returning process, and protecting the document security. Under the ideal situation, the proposed system has almost 100% of read rate.


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