  • 學位論文


Exploring the relationship between computer-input exposures and upper-limb musculoskeletal complaints

指導教授 : 陳協慶


電腦操作所引起的肌肉骨骼危害,與電腦使用的暴露程度和時間有密切關聯,故電腦族群作業之暴露主要在於作業強度(每日暴露量)及暴露時程(持續暴露年資)。儘管過去有多項電腦操作暴露之研究,評估作業人員長期暴露及作業強度,然而滑鼠及鍵盤的操作方式並不相同,鍵盤長期記錄所得之暴露量會分佈於雙手的不同手指,而滑鼠大多集中於慣用手之食指與中指,因此研究需分離雙手的鍵盤操作量,才能準確地估計慣用與非慣用手的實際輸入量。本研究針對三種電腦族群進行暴露抽樣及傷病問卷調查,使用軟、硬體收集電腦操作資料,將雙手之鍵盤作業負荷分離,再以統計迴歸分析肌肉骨骼抱怨與電腦作業負荷之關聯,探討適當之滑鼠與鍵盤的替換比率,並提出建立電腦作業暴露警戒值之方法。 本研究發現電腦族群身體各部位之主觀不適情形,明顯受到滑鼠及鍵盤以外之其他因素影響,而電腦操作平均日暴露僅與手腕部之主觀不適有較高之關聯性。大多數受測者之慣用手負荷明顯高於非慣用手,且操作滑鼠之負荷不亞於鍵盤,迴歸分析研究結果顯示適當的滑鼠-鍵盤替換率>1。未來相關研究應可採用非主觀評估工具進行資料收集,以降低其它因素所造成之變異。


Musculoskeletal disorders associated with computer use are closely related to the level of computer exposure. Computer exposure of a computer operator is mainly determined by working strength (daily exposure) and exposure duration (years of continual exposure). Various studies have been developed for recording and evaluating long-term exposures (use) of mouse and keyboard in computer workers. However, operating a mouse is different from operating a keyboard. The long-term keyboard exposure is distributed over two hands and different fingers. Nevertheless, mouse workload is mostly centralized in the dominant index finger. Therefore, we need to know the distribution of keyboard workload in one’s each hand and finger before we can accurately estimate the actual workload (keyboard + mouse use) in one’s dominant hand which is with significantly higher musculoskeletal risk. The aim of this research is to provide guideline for VDT task by determining the relationship between computer exposure and musculoskeletal complaints. This research investigates computer exposure and musculoskeletal complaint of three workgroups. Hardware and software were developed to separate keyboarding workload in dominant and non-dominant hands. Regression analysis was used to determine the relation between computer exposure and musculoskeletal complaints and to determine adequate convert ratio of mouse workload to keyboard workload. A health guidance caution zone was then suggested based on the finding of mouse-keyboard convert ratio. This study found that the subjective discomfort in computer workgroups was significantly affected by factors other than mouse and keyboard use. Participants’ average daily computer exposure was only moderately correlated with their wrist discomfort. The workload in most participants’ dominant hands was significantly higher than their non-dominant hand workload. Moreover, the experimental finding suggests the physical cost in mouse use may not be less than that in keyboard use. The result of regression analysis indicates the appropriate mouse click to keyboard stroke conversion ratio > 1. Future studies can apply objective assessment tools for data collection to reduce data variability caused by other factors.


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