  • 學位論文


Computer Recycling Analysis Using System Dynamics – A Case Study in Taiwan

指導教授 : 范書愷




Environmental consciousness and recycling behavior have drawn noticeable attention as the high technology advances. The environmental pollution becomes aggravated when human beings enjoy the high-tech products and are not aware of it. In recent years, various researchers developed abundant research methods of how to logically investigate environmental problems. However, just a few researchers focus on the study of human’s recycling behaviors. To appropriately characterize the recycling behavior poses an important element in Taiwan e-waste recycling. Promoting the recycling behavior not only enhances recycling efficiency, but also reduces the societal cost of inadequate recycling behavior. In other words, recycling properly definitely reduces the environmental pollution. For this reason, this thesis wishes to model a computer recycling structure by using system dynamics (SD). System dynamics is a modeling method that is really well suited to describing very complex problems. Upon accomplishment of the SD modeling, the EWMA forecast method is utilized to predict next 10 years recycling quantities. The obtained results can help the Taiwan government conduct thorough researches regarding the recycling behaviors and how to set up practicably feasible recycling policies. The presented SD model has been verified by the actual recycling data reported by EPA-Taiwan. In sum, this research outcome provides a viable recycling behavior model which is able to effectively analyze computer recycling and decision making about recycling policy making.


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