  • 學位論文


A study on the Safe and Disaster Diagnosis System for Old Condominium

指導教授 : 林利國


我國由於地處亞熱帶與環太平洋地震帶,氣候潮濕而且多雨的環境條件會使得所居住的建築物隨著使用時間增長而伴隨著產生各類問題,諸如管線老舊、結構受損與消防設施不足等問題;加上近年來老舊公寓發生電線走火、公寓遭竊、磁磚或廣告招牌的掉落等災害時有所聞,導致原本應提供住戶安全無虞的住宅,卻成為存在眾多災害潛勢(Potential hazard)之處所,造成住戶生命與財產上莫大的損失,此也意味著當前老舊建築物急需加強生命週期中的維護管理工作。 本研究所建構之老舊公寓安全與防災診斷系統主要係先透過相關文獻之收集,並配合現場缺失調查以初擬出診斷架構,再以修正式德爾菲法、層級分析法發放兩階段之專家問卷等程序以架構系統之完整雛型;開發系統所建構之診斷架構包含結構安全、消防安全、外牆安全、防範安全、管線安全五大構面共計32項診斷項目;系統之自主檢查可定期或於自然災害例如颱風、地震後不定期的進行安全與防災診斷。 本研究所建構之老舊公寓安全與防災診斷系統可免除初期不必要的委外的專業評估費用與住戶意見整合不一等問題,同時藉本研究之成果喚醒及提高民眾對於居住處所之防災安全意識。本研究採用 Access 2010 結合 ASP.NET 逐步建構系統雛型;系統雛型建構完成後,經由實際現場測詴,並回饋修正系統之缺失。


Taiwan is located at subtropical and Circum-Pacific seismic zone, buildings are often be effected by many questions due to environmental situation, such as old pipeline, structure impaired, insufficient of fire facility, and other factors. The disaster of electric fire, theft, ceramic tile and advertising signboard falling wew frequently happened in recent years that changes house utility from suppling secure to existe many potential hazards space which will intensely cause great property and human damage. Thus, it’s also remaind the issue of building maintenance management in life cycle. This study establishes a safe and disaster diagnosis system for old condominium; it’s mainly built with by relative literatures review, practice investigations and expert questionnaires. The expert questionnaire issued in two phases of the Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process, it’s able to constitute a system prototype.The diagnosis architecture consists of structural safety, fire safety, extemal wall safety, security and pipeline safety. These five dimensions twenty-third diagnosis items.This self-check list can use by tenant after a hurricane or an earthquake. The safe and disaster diagnosis system for old condominium can avoid the unnecessary costs of outsourcing professional assessment in the beginning. It’s also can avoid tenants different opinion. Meanwhile can wake up and raise public awareness of disaster prevention and the symptom of the safety problem, and then take care to the maintenance of old condominium. It’s using Access 2010 with ASP.NET by gradually building system prototype; System prototype building is completed, through actual field tests and feedback correction system is missing.


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